Student Government notes: April 10 weekly meeting

Student Government’s April 10 meeting welcomed the new presidents of Student Government and the Mega Council, as they conducted their first orders of business. This week had nominations for the Executive Council as well.

To start off, there was a club report from the Wilkes College Democrats from the vice chairperson Gregory Chang. Chang informed members about their club’s activities, such as their Snacks’N’Politics event, the Women’s March and Marsy’s Law advocacy. They also are looking forward to volunteering at the Big Event and Volunteers of America. If interested in joining the Wilkes College Democrats, they meet every over Thursday at 4 p.m. in Breiseth 316.

Following this, was a fund request from Women Empowered by Science (WEBS) for Summer Camp 2019. This camp would be held at the university from July 21 to the 27 and it is for girls who are going into seventh and eighth grade and like learning about science. This camp is important because it would allow for these middle school students to become interested in the sciences at a young age and encourage them to pursue it in their futures. WEBS needs $900, so three girls can have the opportunity to attend the camp.

There were also two Constitution updates from Pre-Pharmacy Club and Programming Board.

The Executive Board nominations included Brianna Price for vice president, Liam Bartko for recording secretary, Kevin Long and Amy Kulp for treasurer, and Logan Biechy and Will Latina for corresponding secretary.

Other business included Dr. Steele and Jill Price winning the faculty and staff award nominations.

Some final news includes Commuter Council announcing that parking applications for next semester are now open until June 10. Programming Board also discussed that they will be having a giveaway, a Sticky Note event, and will host comedians from Wild’n’Out on April 25.