Student Government held its eighth weekly meeting of the Spring 2024 semester on March 20. The meeting addressed club recognition requests, funding requests, club reports, and SG Executive Board elections. SG has a current budget of $7,862.
The meeting began with week two of two for the Space and Astronomy Club’s recognition request. Students of the club re-presented their club with an update in their number of club members that has climbed from 18 to 25 throughout the past week as well as their future financial organization. The club plans to do their community service with environmental clean-up projects and the little library project. SG voted to recognize the club.
The Christian Fellowship Club, a chapter of the DiscipleMakers organization, was next to present for week one of two for a funding request. The club is requesting general funds for attendance to the upcoming DiscipleMakers women’s conference held near Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. The conference will include seminars from prominent speakers and opportunities to have discussions with fellow women in the organization. The club will return on April 3 to resume week two of two to request funds.
Pre-Pharmacy Club kicked off the club report section of the meeting. Presenting members of the club listed their club’s activities, such as potion making, CVS lunch and learn, pharmacy panel, and a professional hockey game. The club also presented their community service with the Red Cross, as they help to promote the campus blood drive and encourage more people to donate blood. SG voted to approve the club report.
Games and Media Club was next on the agenda to present their club report. Students presented the club’s mission as giving students a place to unwind and de-stress from their school semester. The club has board games, a PlayStation 5, a Nintendo Switch, and they hold events such as the all-nighter, Casino Night Part 2, and Smash bros Tournaments. SG voted to approve the club report.
Next, the American Society of Mechanical Engineering Club presented their club report. Students of the club displayed their activities in national conferences and plant tours. Members also presented their fundraisers, a clothing sale for all College of Business and Engineering students and their annual car show. SG voted to approve the club report.
The Dance Team also gave a club report at the meeting. The students presented their three different teams, the performance team, the alternate team, and the practice team. The students also discussed the club’s activities, such as Colonel Kickoff, the homecoming pep rally, and their performances at the Wilkes football and basketball games. The club hosts fundraisers and community service activities through their Dance Marathon, Fall clothing sale, and Gertrude Hawk chocolate sale. SG voted to approve the club report.
Club Hub presented next with their week one of two for a request for funds. Club Hub is requesting a new printer to replace their old printer that recently broke. They presented that the new printer works faster, prints better quality, and is reliable. Club Hub is requesting $500 in funds for the new printer and ink. Club Hub will return on April 3 for week two of two to request funds.
The Wilkes student body has spoken. Voting for the 2024-2025 Student Body President closed last week and the next Student Body President is upcoming Senior Business Management major, Nolee Ana Grabowski.
SG with meet again on April 3.