The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

Student Government notes

February 28, 2024
Beacon Archives

Student Government held its seventh weekly meeting of the semester on Feb. 29. This week’s meeting addressed fund requests, club recognition, and club reports. SG has a current budget of $10,662.

For week 2 of 2, the Nursing Student Organization returned to request funds to attend an NSO conference. Students at the conference will represent Wilkes and present university research. The students requested $2,767 in funds. SG voted and approved the allocation of $1,500 for the trip.

Students of Future Business Leaders of America also presented for week 2 of 2 to request funds for the FBLA conference. Nine students placed last year and four went on to participate in FBLA states. The students did not ask for a specific funding amount but, instead, asked for general funds for the trip. SG voted and approved the allocation of $1,000 for the trip.

The Student Section club presented for week 2 of 2 to be recognized as an official club. Students presented that the club will work to bring more students to Wilkes sporting events and increase school spirit. The students also presented that their club size has doubled and now has approximately 45 students involved. SG voted and approved the Student Section club to be recognized as an official club.

The Wilkes Christian Fellowship Club kicked off the club report section of the meeting. Students presented the club’s participation in spring semester activities so far, such as both club days and their program Fellowship+. They also presented their future conference and volunteering plans, such as the fall conference, the men’s conference, and the women’s conference. SG approved the club report.

Society of Automotive Engineers Baja was next on the agenda to present their club report. SAE Baja explained the premise of their club: to build a Baja car and place it in Baja car races to compete. The club was presented as a hands-on educational experience in various fields, including engineering, design, marketing, and financial planning. The presenting student also expressed the club’s acceptance of all students from all majors. SG approved the club report.

The Pre-Professional Health Society gave their club report after SAE Baja. The students presented that the club’s mission is to help students connect with one another and gain experience and resources in their field. The club reported the various visits it received from professionals, such as professors from Kent State School of Podiatry, to help students gain insight into future possibilities. The club also reported their fundraising events and their upcoming events, such as mock MCAT testing and shadow nights. SG approved the club report.

The Spanish Club gave their report to cap off the club report section of the meeting. The reporting students presented their member count as approximately 60 students and have fundraised money through their partner with Coffeehouse. The club was explained to have held a multitude of events and activities, such as two presentations at the One World events, conversation partner events, and Shazam night. SG approved the club report.

SG will meet again on Mar. 13.