Michael Reagan delivers Kirby Oct. 7 lecture


Courtesy of Anthony Fanucci

Student Government President Anthony Fanucci and Michael Reagan

On Wednesday Oct. 7, Michael Reagan, son of President Ronald Reagan, gave a speech on his father’s legacy in the Dorthy Dickinson Darte Center, sponsored by the Allan P. Kirby Center for Free Enterprise and Entrepreneurship.

Reagan, a Fox News commentator, radio personality and world record setter for paddle boat racing, was adopted by the Ronald Reagan family.

Reagan spoke about the importance of starting speeches with stories and knowing and relating topics to the audience. Reagan shared that when his father ran for president, he denied rumors of his plans to “wipe out Iran.” By knowing his audience and never denying the rumors, the American hostages in Iran were let free on the day of Ronald Regan’s inauguration.

Throughout the speech, he referred to his father’s legacy and his presidency and used it as an example. “If you never fail, you’ll never really understand success,” stated Reagan in relation to his father’s loss in the 1972 and 1974 presidential elections.

Forgiveness to Reagan is an important aspect to have as a professional. When Ronald Reagan was shot and inches away from his death, Reagan recalled his father saying to him about the shooter, “If you’re ever going to get shot, don’t wear a new suit. I wonder if he will buy me a new suit.”

The lasting impression Reagan gave his audience was the moral of his speech, “Remember how far you can go and how much you can accomplish if you don’t worry about who gets the credit.”