SG Notes: Homecoming changes; Leahy visit
Week 1 of 2
Student Government held its first meeting of the 2015-2016 school year on Sept. 2, in the Miller Room of the SUB.
Dean John Stachacz gave the IT and Library report. The air conditioning project in the library will be completed by January. Thanks to the Provost, this year, Wilkes has a large book budget available for new materials for the library. The WiFi project is ongoing and will be completely finished in a few weeks. Wilkes bough all Cisco modems in the area, adding 256 wireless modems to dorms. WiFi was added to each room in Towers and Evans. Another ongoing library project will be the renovation of the circulation desk. The IT help department will be moved to the first floor of the department.
Kara Serfass presented the proposal for the homecoming weekend activities; pep rally, homecoming game and homecoming dance. This year’s festivities will be carnival themed. Homecoming Dance ticket sales started Setp. 11.
The new community enforced smoking policy was reviewed. The policy enforces smokers must be 20 feet from all buildings, vents, windows and entry ways.
The new student government website is now launched. To find all forms and resources regarding student government, go to
Week 2 of 2
On Wednesday, Wilkes University’s Student Government held its weekly meeting.
Last week, representatives from the Alumni Office, Jacki Lukas and Bridget Giunta, requested $500 from Student Government. The money will go toward student tickets for Homecoming so they can attend events and network with alumni. Student Government allotted the full $500.
Kara Serfass, presented her Homecoming proposal in regards to the Homecoming Pep Rally, Dance, and Football game for the second week. $457.44 for the game and $17,979.61 for the dance was passed and allocated. After discussion, $17,534.11 was allocated to the Pep Rally. The vote passed with 19-1-3.
Allie Grudeski proposed her plan for Bubble Bash, which is an event that will replace Fall Fest. The motion passed and $4,000 was allocated.
Anthony Fanucci presented the proposed budget to cover the cost of Club Day. The request of $5,500 was passed.
Dr. Patrick Leahy stopped by the meeting to answer questions and deal with any concerns students had. Many of the concepts dealt with the new food services such as the slow speed of “Which Wich,” the uncertainty of finding something enjoyable to eat in the cafeteria, high prices in the “P.O.D.,” and Gambini’s Café not being opened on the weekends.
Leahy was also asked about the large area of grass next to Fortinsky and if there are any plans for it. The idea of making it a parking lot was brought up .
Sarah Bedford, commuter council president, added on to the parking topic by saying how she would like to see improvements in parking, especially for commuters.
Nia Williams brought up concerns about energy efficacy and usage. She said that simple actions such installing energy efficient light bulbs and having proper insulation on windows will save energy.
Valerie Woods asked if campus will be more biker friendly and requested that bike racks be added outside of the residence halls.
The council reviewed the Treasurer’s report. The current budget is as follows: All College: $47,000.00, General Funds: $24,456.00, Conference: $5,000.00, Spirit: $2,000.00 for a Student Government total of $78,456.00.

Gabby Glinski is a senior Communications Studies major, with concentrations in journalism and public relations. She joined the Beacon in 2014 as a photographer...