Wilkes University Student Government notes
On Wednesday evening, Wilkes University’s Student Government held its weekly meeting.
The NSO Club presented its fund request for week one of two. The fund request was for the banquet which is where the awards are handed out for anything the team has accomplished during the year.
Registration is $40 per person for the banquet and 15 people would be attending, for a total of $600, as well as $25 banquet registration, $1,000 for hotel rooms, a total of $81 for parking, $90.64 for gas costs and $1,024 for food and meal costs, coming to a total fund request of $3,170.64.
The club said that the SG van would be publicity for Wilkes, as well as matching shirts and nametags worn during the conference.
The Aviation Interest Club then made their argument to be recognized as a SG recognized club for week two of two. They said they have updated their constitution and that flying is not currently under their current policy. The motion to recognize it as a club passed 33-0-0.
The Ski and Snowboard presented its fund request for week two of two.
The funds requested were for annual Killington ski trip in January. The trip needs 42 to 50 people to go and there are five students already committed to going on the trip. The trip includes a lift ticket, lodging, coach bus and shuttle service to the mountain.
Fundraising ideas include shirt sales, hat sales, chocolate sales or a restaurant promotional event. The trip would bring publicity to Wilkes and the club said it hopes to make the trip more affordable for students on tight budgets.
The request was for $5,000, which is $100 per person. The motion to allocate $100 per student for up to 30 students was passed 33-0-0.
The group then discussed a new SG logo. It was discussed whether to go with Polos or T-shirts, with the Polos being $15 a piece and T-shirts costing $7 a piece.
A motion was passed 32-0-1 to dismiss the inactive clubs which include the Power Lifting Club, SAFE Club, Medieval Renaissance Club and Wilkes in the World.
Upcoming events were listed, including WUBP Open Mic Night on Oct. 20, the Downtown Establishment Tour on Oct. 22, WUBP Freakfast Oct. 27, Casino Week Texas Hold ‘Em Nov. 1 and MSC Real Talk Event Nov. 1.
Committees then presented to the group.
The library committee discussed the two new systems for e-books that are being considered. One added 5,000 books to the library and would not require the library to pay for them until they are used. The second is specifically for the nursing system and includes about 150 titles. The titles can be used multiple times without being purchased, making them cost-effective.
The UAC told the group about four major changes it is seeking, which are clarification of a period of evaluation, when the last assessment was collected and reviewed, accounting for the number of students being assessed and the benchmarking process and whether or not those benchmarks are being achieved.
The TREC said it wants to do the recognition ceremony in the spring instead of the fall and hope to increase attendance by holding it right after a faculty meeting.
SLAM discussed a new program for people who are being treated unfairly that would provide them with somewhere to report it. The new program is called the Council of Diversity, Inclusion and Equality.
The operations committee concluded these reports by announcing the Pharmacy care lab dedication that took place Oct. 22 in the evening as well as announcing Joe Biden’s visit to speak in UCOM on Oct. 21.
The Treasurer’s Report stands as follows: All College: $2,167.46; General Funds: $11,715; Conference: $5,000; Spirit: $2,000 for a SG total of $20,882.46.

Alyssa Mursch is a senior communication studies major with a concentration in journalism. She also has minors in Political Science and Women and Gender's...