Wilkes University Student Government notes

On Wednesday evening, the Wilkes University’s Student Government held its weekly meeting.

The Education Club presented its report, informing the group that the club currently has 35 active members and recently attended the PSEA state conference where they redid an elementary school and saw guest speakers.

The ski and snowboard club fund request was presented for week one of two. The request was for $5,000 to cover $100 of each student’s cost. The total cost per student is $579, which includes a five-day lift ticket, lodging, round-trip Coach Bus and shuttle service to the mountain. Fundraising by the club includes T-shirt sales, homemade hat sales, chocolate sales and restaurant funding events.

The Aviation Interest Club then presented for week one of two. The club wants to encourage members’ passions for aviation at Wilkes. In the past, Wilkes used to host 700 aviation cadets when it was still Bucknell University Junior College, and they’re trying to close the loop on that history.

Wyoming Valley Airport has three different Airport Day events and the organization would like to use some of these as community service events for the club. Fundraising ideas include sponsorships, a fly-in breakfast, golf tournament and T-shirt sales. The $300 that they are requesting from SG would go toward the NIFA registration costs every year.

Inactive clubs were then addressed for week one of two. These clubs include the power lifting club, Pub. SG, the student health advisory board, SAVE club and the medieval renaissance club. These clubs have had no activity in the past three years and the group must go through a two week process to inactivate the clubs. SG is hoping to close out these clubs’ accounts to free up some fund numbers.

The group then discussed The Casino Week fund request for week two of two. The increase in cost this semester comes from slot machines- which cost $83 a piece- and advertising costs. The club debated on whether or not to include the slot machines. A motion was put forth to allocate $12,965.37 for the Casino Week items, not including the slot machines. The motion passed 31-1-1.

There was then a motion to allocate $1,000 to Casino Night slot machines. The motion passed 19-13-1, and President Allie Grudeski vetoed the motion, saying she didn’t believe enough people would be able to man the slot machines and that spending $1,000 on them is not a good use of student money.

The group decided to table the issue of slot machines and revisit it at the next meeting, which is to be held in two weeks.

Operations committee’s Nicole Hughes then discussed the new gateway project and explained that they will be working on fixing and cleaning the elevators during fall break. They also said the media center construction will begin soon as well as a rail on Conyngham.

Sarah Kennedy then presented on behalf of Academic Standards Committee. She said that there was discussions as to whether or the group needed to raise the GPA requirement for Dean’s list or not.

The Academic Planning Committee said they have discussed trying to get more information about a PhD nursing program at the university.

The Treasurer’s Report stands as follows: All College: $15,632.83; General Funds: $11,715; Conference: $5,000; Spirit: $2,000 for a SG total of $34,347.83.