AOTW: Gabrielle Giordano, senior basketball player

The Beacon: Female Athlete of the Week Jan. 25 – Feb. 1 Why Gabrielle Giordano was selected: Giordano secured a game-high 20 points in the matchup against Eastern on Jan. 25. Three days later, she recorded her eighth double-double and scored a season-high 29 points in the contest against Valley Forge.

Kirsten Peters

Gabrielle Giordano, senior basketball player

Name: Gabrielle Giordano

Year: Senior

Major: Sports Management

Hometown: Moscow, Pa.

High School: Holy Cross HS

Position: Guard

Driving force for your decision to come to Wilkes?

I knew the business school had a very good reputation and I wanted to be able to play basketball and softball. 

Post graduation plans in terms of a career?

I would like to get my CSCS and open my own gym. 

When/Why did you first begin playing?

I started playing in the fourth grade, but I am not sure why I started – probably because I didn’t want to go to dance anymore. 

Hopes for this season as a Colonel?

This season, I would like to make the MAC tournament. 

Favorite thing to do during practice?

My favorite thing to do during practice is 11-man. 

Favorite building on campus?

My favorite building would have to be the Marts Center or UCOM.

Favorite professor?

My favorite professor is Dr. Lee.

What came first? The chicken or the egg?

The egg. 

If you had to choose one thing about your program that you could improve, what would it be?

If I could choose one thing to change about our program, I would change other people’s confidence in us. Most games people expect us to lose, and that’s not the case anymore. 

Other interests or hobbies off of the field?

Other than basketball, I like training for MMA.

Favorite meal to eat on campus?

My favorite meal is a turkey hoagie from Which Wich. 

Coke or Pepsi?


Most influential person in your life?

It’s hard to pick just one.

If you could have dinner with a famous person, who would it be?

I would have to pick Ronda Rousey.

A quote you live your life by?

“Wish it. Dream it. Do it.”

What does “Be Colonel” mean to you?

To me, “Be Colonel” means to be apart of something that pushes you to be your best and gives you all the tools to do so. 

Anyone to give a shout-out to?


-Compiled by Kirsten Peters, Co-Sports Editor