UPDATED — AOTY: Male and Female Championship Rounds set
The Semifinal Round of action has concluded in the 2018 Beacon Sports Staff Athlete of the Year tournament.
For the Males, it’s basketball’s Marcus Robinson (1) taking on football’s Luke Wood (6). On the Female side, field hockey’s Haley Gayoski (12) will face softball’s Gracen Staunton (3).
Here is the statement released by the Beacon Sport Staff:
“After further investigation, The Beacon Sports Staff has a reason to believe that a total of 116 votes cast in the Gracen Staunton/Courtney Stanley poll were made through a non-traditional form of voting.
During the final seconds of the Staunton/Stanley matchup, over 100 votes were cast. Staunton was the apparent winner, but the staff decided to put things on hold while the matter is looked into.
From @WilkesBeacon on Twitter:
“We are going to investigate the additional 100+ votes in the final seconds of this poll. We promise to do so as quickly as possible. We hope to announce a certified winner shortly. #BeaconSports #WilkesBeacon #BeaconAOTY
“At this time, the @wilkesbeacon Sports Staff is not able to certify a winner. The situation will be addressed as quickly as possible, but we will most likely not have a conclusion until noon today. The Championship Round will temporarily be put on hold until this is addressed.”
It was also announced that the other three matchups would not be affected and are final
For full results, and the updated bracket, click here.
The Championship Round has been put on hold temporarily. The Beacon Sports Staff felt it was in the best interest of the tournament to run both the Male and Female Championship Rounds concurrently.
The 17-athlete tournament features all of the previous athlete of the weeks in a seeded bracket format similar to the NCAA tournament.
The tournament is broken into the same two categories as the typical athlete of the week segments, featured in every edition of The Beacon.
The champion of both categories will be featured in a full page spread in the final edition of The Beacon on Apr. 17.
The competition is being conducted utilizing Twitter polls via @wilkesbeacon. The winner of each poll advances to next round.
In the event of a tie, the higher seed will advance.
For coverage of the tournament, check out the following Twitter accounts:
Luke Modrovsky, Sports Editor — @LukeModrovsky
Ben Mandell, Asst. Sports Editor — @BenMandell55
Alex Kielar, Asst. Sports Editor — @alexkielar
Kirsten Peters, Staff Writer — @kirstenpetersss
Coverage will also be provided through media partner WCLH 90.7 FM — Wilkes University radio through @WCLH_radio and @WCLHsports.

Luke Modrovsky is in his final semester double majoring in sport management and communication studies.
Luke started at The Beacon as staff writer for...