Getting to know… Alyssa Shaver

Sophomore soccer player, Alyssa Shaver
Name: Alyssa Shaver
Year: Sophomore
Major(s): Accounting
Hometown/High School: Luzerne/Wyoming Valley West High School
Position: Forward
Q. What was the driving force for your decision to come to Wilkes?
A. I wanted to stay home for college and Wilkes caught my eye when I was a freshman in high school. I‘ve wanted to play for Wilkes because they had a good business program and I loved the soccer team.
Q. What are your hopes for your next season as a Colonel?
A. I hope to do well both on and off the field. Although I love playing soccer, school always comes first and I hope to be able to keep up on both. I hope to put in the most effort I can because before I know it, I won’t be able to play soccer anymore after I graduate.
Q. When/Why did you first begin playing soccer?
A. I started playing soccer when I was about 5 years old.
Q. Who would you say, is the most influential person in your life? Why?
A. A lot of people have influenced my life but mostly my mom. She has taught me to never give up no matter how hard something is and she has taught me to fight for what I want most.
Q. A quote you live your life by?
A. “Don’t let yesterday take up too much of your today”
Q. What does “Be Colonel” mean to you?
A. Being respectful to yourself, your teammates and your classmates. It means to be who you are and don’t give up on your dreams.
Purvit Patel is an Environmental Engineering with a minor in Political Science and Geology Class of 2018. He started as a sports photographer, and now...