Getting to know… Thomas Stokes Sophomore Wrestler
Wrestler Tommy Stokes is a Pharmacy major from Bensalem High School in Bensalem, PA.
Q: What was the driving force for your decision to come to Wilkes?
A: Wilkes has one of the top wrestling programs and an excellent Pharmacy program.
Q: Do you have any post-graduation Plans in terms of a career?
A: To work as a clinical pharmacist.
Q: What are your hopes for your current season as a Colonel?
A: To become an academic all-American.
Q: When/Why did you first begin wrestling?
A: I started wrestling when I was 6 years old. I joined because I had seen older wrestlers and had been inspired by them and wanted to be just like them. I turned out to really like wrestling, and most combat sports in fact, and just stuck with them all my life.
Q: If you had to choose one thing about Wilkes’ wrestling program that you could improve, what would it be?
A: There’s not too much I see wrong with it. Wilkes wrestling is known to be a great program that has excellent wrestlers and works them hard. I feel they live up to this expectation. If I had to choose one aspect to improve, I would say campus publicity because we don’t host many events or sell any apparel for students around campus.
Q: Do you have other sports/interest/hobbies off of the field?
A: In the summers I like to train in MMA and Jiu-Jitsu. Rather than sports, I like to play guitar in my free time and go on adventures with my friends to explore and just have a good time.
Q: Who would you say, is the most influential person in your life?
A: I would say my father is the most influential person in my life because he has helped me through a lot of hard times in my life; he’s always pushed me to my limits in every aspect of life, whether it be sports or academics, and I feel he’s really helped to shape my personality and has gotten me to where I am today. He’s helped to show me what I can really achieve in life, and he’s always believed in me, even when no one else did, even myself. He’s never missed any of my matches and has stood by my side the entire way.
Q: A quote you live your life by?
A: “Welcome any challenge life throws at you”.
Q: What does “Be Colonel” mean to you?
A: It means to work extremely hard in your schoolwork and give the sport you play everything you have, but don’t forget to have some fun along the way.
Q: If you could have dinner with a famous person from the past, who would it be?
A: It doesn’t really matter. As long as they’re still rich and take me out to a nice dinner I’ll be happy.