Colonel’s Closet helps conquer hunger across campus
If you are in need of a helping hand, Wilkes University is here to provide support for students, staff and faculty. One of these services available is the on campus Colonel’s Closet.
Colonel’s Closet is a free food pantry run by the Interfaith Office for any student, faculty or staff that may be in need of assistance. The food pantry offers food, personal hygiene products, household and toiletry items.
Colonel’s Closet is open to all individuals of Wilkes University and is currently run on the honor system. Whether assistance is needed short term or long term, Wilkes community members can stop by for food or products they are unable to afford. Colonel’s Closet is open 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday.
“If you ever see me in the office and need to use the pantry, you’re welcome to stop in,” said Kristin Osipower, campus interfaith coordinator.
Osipower said if any students feel uncomfortable coming to the office itself, they can contact her and she will make a special package for them. The student can arrange to pick up the package at the information desk on the first floor of the Henry Student Center or at the mail room on the second floor.
“The Colonel’s Closet is completely campus supported,” Osipower said.
All of the food and products found in the pantry are donations. Various clubs and resident halls hold food drives in the dorms to supply more for Colonel’s Closet. Osipower’s goal building a supply of cookware like pots, pans and utensils.
“I’m looking to supply more of these items so students can better utilize the items found in the pantry,” Osipower said. “I’m always willing to listen and then, if need be, help the student get whatever support they may need.”
She said it is always up to the student if they want to talk and will never ask someone to explain their situation unless they want to.
“The biggest thing right now that I am working on is eliminating the stigma of coming to the pantry,” Osipower said.
Lack of food among college students is an issue plaguing the nation. Having a food pantry available is one way to help conquer campus hunger. All services at Colonel’s Closet are confidential. If you could benefit from a visit to the food pantry, see Kristin Osipower at the Interfaith Office located on the second floor of the Henry Student Center or contact her at [email protected].
Mother Teresa is quoted as saying,“If you can’t feed a hundred people, then just feed one,.”