Miller won three races during the tri-match sweep against Lycoming College and Juniata College. He was victorious in the 200-yard free in 1:53.48 and the 100-yard free in 53.33, and was also a part of the team that won the 200-yard free relay in 1:35.02.
1. Grade, Majors, Sport(s), Position, and Hometown
Leo Miller, Freshman, Accounting Major, Swim Team, sprinter, Oak Forest, Ill.
2. What has been your favorite sports memory as a Colonel?
My favorite memory from my time being a colonel is definitely the late night walks during our training trip in Florida.
3. What is your favorite professional sports team (any sport)?
My favorite sports team is the Chicago Bears.
4. What is your favorite thing to do away from sports?
My favorite thing to do is to spend time with my friends and family.
5. What is your favorite part of being an athlete at Wilkes?
The new friendships that come with being part of the team.
6. What sports movie is your go-to for movie night?
My favorite sports movie to watch is “Remember the Titans.”
7. If you did not play your current sport, what sport would you have wanted to play?
If I did not do swimming, I would definitely be playing baseball.
8. What has been your favorite sports memory overall (middle school, club, high school, college, etc)?
My favorite memory from sports was definitely winning our conference meet my junior year of high school.
9. What is your favorite post-game (match) meal?
My favorite post-meet meal is having some good tacos.
10. How do you feel about being selected as the Athlete of the Week?
I feel very grateful and honored to be given this award. I would not have been able to achieve it without the support from my team, my coaches, or my friends and family.