Online classes begin to make traditional classrooms obsolete
Within the current era of technological advancements and an influx of information technology, the nature of academia has experienced a drastic shift.
This shift has contributed to the ability to receive an accredited education without the means of a traditional classroom setting. In fact, an increased number of students are enrolling in online classes, which has proven to be greatly beneficial as well as detrimental, in a few respects. As it pertains to a traditional education, students often have a daily class schedule and receive instruction from their educators. There are a myriad of pros to this form of education.
Students who are more inclined to lose focus and require a stricter education often find that traditional classes suit their needs in particular.
In a case in which a student is evaluating whether traditional classes are suitable for them, it is necessary to take their learning styles into consideration. Also, traditional classes increase the likelihood that a student will stay on task as there is little to no room for late assignments and leniency in regard to due dates.
Within a traditional class setting, students are also given the ability to engage with their professors on a student to professor level, which is dependent on the class size. The professor to student ratio as well as the class size is often necessary in considering whether this pro is actually a con.
Traditional classes also give the student the ability to be less distracted, if they would like to be. If a student is prone to social engagements with other students, it is a personal decision that can easily take away from the benefit of a traditional education.
On another note, online classes provide students with the ability to learn within any setting or context in which they desire, which is highly beneficial or detrimental to the student depending on their extra curricular lifestyles.
In my opinion, online classes are beginning to make the traditional education obsolete, as their pros greatly outweigh their cons. Within a traditional class setting, notions of flexibility, motivation, distractions, and social engagement are dependent on other factors and often vague in regard to whether they are truly beneficial or detrimental in these respects.
Online classes prove to be quite clear in their potential to benefit the student in question.
As it pertains to flexibility, students have the ability to structure their education in ways that suit their often demanding schedules. Also, self motivated students who are not phased by the concept of having more limited social engagements may find this form of education greatly beneficial.
The sole con of taking an online course lies around the premise of distractions. Distractions may manifest themselves in procrastination due to the larger window of time to turn in assignments. It may also come in the form of focusing on extra curricular activities such as work and entertainment to the detriment of the students education.
With that being said, online classes are still by far the most suitable form of education. In fact, according to a study from the U.S Department of Education, “students who took all or part of their instruction online performed better on average than those taking the same course through face-to-face instruction.”
So when considering whether an online versus traditional class would be more beneficial for you, take your study habits into consideration as well as the the fact that online classes are known to be better than traditional classes.

Savannah is a junior English major with a minor in Women's and Gender Studies.
In the Fall of 2017, Savannah started her experience with The Beacon...