The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

SG notes: Feb. 7

Beacon Archives

Student Government had its second meeting for the semester Feb. 7.

The first order of business was a fund request from Wilkes Athletics. Presented by Keith Kalhold, a strength and conditioning coach here. The request was Late Night Lift items such as shaker bottles and t-shirts for the event. LNL is an event held in late February, the date is still pending, where the athletics department opens the Martz weightroom to the Wilkes community after hours. The request was for $1900 and was approved for the full amount.

The second order of business was a fund request from Wilkes Adventure Education from a spring break trip. WAE had many places for their proposed trip and are looking to take a west coast hiking tour for the trip. Considering all logistics, the request was for $3,600. This was week one of a two week request and will be voted on next week.

The third order of business was a club report by the nursing student organization. They spoke at the conferences that they went to over the past year.

The fourth order of business was a club report/update by the South Asian Cultural Association, formerly the Indian Cultural Association.

The fifth order of business was a club report from the pre-pharmacy club. They spoke about their event called Kathy’s kids where they teach kids the importance of knowing what you eat and not mistaking drugs for candy.

The sixth order of business was a club report from the ski and snowboarding Club.

The seventh order of business was a fund request for spring fling, presented by executive member, Marytere Quinana-Avlia. The date for this year’s event is still being determined but is looking to be held in late March again in the Mary Stegmaier mansion.

The budget is still under debate and will take more than the normal two weeks. The eighth order of business was a fund request for Big Event, presented by executive member, Nolee Ana Garbowski.
Big Event is a large community service event for all clubs on campus held on April 27. The request was for t-shirts and other items for the event This was week one of two and will be voted on next week.

SG will meet again on Wednesday, Feb. 14.