The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

SG notes: Oct. 25

Beacon Archives

Student Government held its weekly meeting on Oct. 25. The remaining amount in the SG account is $30,330.84

The first order of business was a fund request from the Fly Fishing Club. The presentation was given by club president Jacob Smith.

The Fly Fishing Club is a conservation group that also teaches and takes students fly fishing locally. Members came to request funds to purchase fund raising materials. The group would like to do a clothing sale including, T-shirts, hats and patches.

The money raised would go toward club business such trips, upgrading equipment and sending students to conferences. The total request was for $490. This is to be voted on next week.

The second order of business was a club report by the Speech and Debate team. The presentation was given by Gracie Giuszak, Emilie Protsko and E. Alexis.

The third order of business was a club report from Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. The presentation was given by Micheal Nowak, Evan Feng, Trent Szczecinti and Ian Williams.

The fourth order of business was a constitution update by Student Government. This presentation was given by SG Parliamentarian Francessca Mehl. Many changes were proposed to the constitution beginning with an update to the academic leave policy. The rest of the changes had to do with when a member of e-board and/or student government is removed or leaves. The voting was passed to make these changes official.

The fifth order of business was the emergency election of executive treasurer. This was a second attempt to fill the position by vote and is the first with the changes in the constitution. One vote was held and a new secretary was elected. P2 student Makenzie Psarakis was elected and accepted the position of executive treasurer.

The sixth order of business was a constitution update from the Resident Hall Council. The presentation was given by RHC President Natalie Hernandez. Changes include language updates, more defined roles for the treasurer and the secretary, move from weekly meetings to bi-weekly and a change in the proposal process down from two weeks to one, unless stated otherwise by RHC E-Board.

This was voted on and passed.

The seventh order of business was a fund request for Casino Night. The presentation was given by SG Corresponding Secretary Marytere Quintana-Avila. This was formerly known as Casino Week and was formally in a request to SG a month ago. SG voted to take Casino Week down to Casino Night. This is the fund request for those festivities. The event will take place on Nov. 10.

The lead up to Casino Night will include giveaways and a performance by a to-be-determined entertainer. The total budget requested was $21,000. Last week, the prizes for the event were voted on, totaling at $6,054.20. This week, the rest of the budget, T-shirt and decorations were to be voted on. The remaining amount was $14,590.

This was voted on and approved.

The eighth order of business was an overview of the SG bonding trip. This presentation was given by the E-Board. The trip will take place on Jan. 28 to Aquatopia. Minor changes had been made over the week to insinuate this presentation. The cost will come out to be $2,628.