The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

SG notes: Sept. 13

Beacon Archives

Student Government had its third meeting for the semester on Sept. 13. It also marked the first meeting with all the new members.

These new members include three from the senior class and one from the sophomore class. It was also the first meeting for the newly-elected members of the first-year class.

SG currently has $70,628.65 in its account.

The first order of business was the an Alumni Office fund request for homecoming weekend. The presentation was given by Bree Freeman of the office and Brooke Coleman, a junior student intern. They spoke on the importance of the weekend from an alumni perspective and how it helps renew past memories with colleagues and former students. It can also provide networking opportunities for current students from former graduates within their desired field.

Helping this weekend come together is a team of student leaders who help make the weekend possible for both students and alumni. The request for $500 would cover 20 tickets that would be given to the team for their hard work. The tickets would provide access to all activities over the weekend that require payment and come up to a value of $10 per ticket. This was the first week of their proposal and will be voted on next week.

The next order of business was a fund request from Kappa Psi, a pharmaceutical fraternity on campus under the chapter Delta Omicron. Presenting was their regent Phil Davis, a p4 student. They came to request funding in order to attend two conferences over the first semester. These conferences are to provide networking opportunities and to vote on changes that affect all chapters within their area. The locations for these are in Buffalo, N.Y. and Boston, Ma. The money would be used to cover hotels and registration for both p1 and p2 students. The amount requested was for $2,226. This was the first week of their proposal and will be voted next week.

The next presentation and last order of new business was the pre-law society coming in for club recognition. The presentation was given by Sean and Bryce Greco, both juniors majoring in political science.

The club has been in operation over the two semesters without full SG recognition and has a full e-board and general board of over 20 members. They hold events in order to help others understand a bonding through the understanding of law and help their members in the seeking of higher education. This was the first week of their proposal and will be voted on next week.

The final presentation was week two of the homecoming fund request for students. The presentation was given by Marytere Quintana-Avila, a junior political science major and a member of SG. The presentation was the request for final ideas toward the homecoming pep rally, events during the game and the homecoming dance. Major ideas include the theme which is Starry Night, the changing from a homecoming king and queen to homecoming royalty and will no longer be split between men and women, and finally the introduction of free student tickets for the homecoming dance. The request came out to be for $22,350.81 and was approved for the full amount.

SG will meet again Wednesday Sept. 20.