The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

Self care with Sarah: Taking a step back and taking control

Since a new academic year is upon us, one might be thinking about what they can do to improve their daily routine or themself  in general from last year. Taking control and actively thinking about what you can improve upon and what you need to accept can make a huge difference in your daily routine.

Whether you are a returning student who seemingly has their routine down to a science, or a first-year student who is making the transition from high school, improvements can always be made. This can be difficult especially if one is used to doing something or acting in a certain way.

“When I lived at home before coming to school, I would never really clean up after myself. I was just messy because no one else really saw, but then moving in with someone made me realize like oh my gosh they can see my things and they can see the way I live. That was a huge change for me,” said Yugadi Hullur, sophomore biology major.

Hullur went on to explain that she thinks that it would be selfish if she continued in her habits because it had the potential to negatively affect the people that she was living with.

Aside from affecting others, becoming stagnant in a routine or a certain behavior can cause dissonance within oneself if they realize that it is not beneficial  to them.

“The most important thing is that you have to want to change for yourself and not just because others want you to. Don’t just sit around and accept something that doesn’t make you your happiest self,” said Julie Chropowicki, junior psychology major. “So, if it makes you unhappy, it probably needs to be changed.”

On the other hand, it is also important to know when to acccept things about yourself. Sometimes, people have the tendency to overthink about something that they might be doing or percieve that they are affecting others when they actually aren’t.

Everyone has their own distinct traits, personailities and ways of living. Some of these aspects are things that people do not even have control of. Therefore, accepting certain things about yourself is just as essential as realizing what you might need to work on.

“I would say always change when you can because change is good and is something that is almost inevitable. The only thing that would lead to having to be accepted is something you have no control over,” said Chropowicki.

So, take a step back when you have free time to self reflect and analyze these differences. It can be difficult, but it has the potential to benefit you in the long run.

“Don’t be a victim. If you don’t like where you are, either get working to change it, or accept it and appreciate it,” said Hunter Hughes, senior pre-med neuroscience major.