The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

Unimportant Questions: Justin Astrin, University Towers Resident Director and Jaimie Osborn, Evans Hall Resident Director

Jaimie Osborn

Residence Life Graduate Assistant and first-year Master of Business Administration student

Hometown: Nazareth, Pa.

Campus Role: Assists with the duties of Residence life, housing and in-housing selection, and the duties of Residence Life, hall safety and roommate conflicts at Evans and Roth

Justin Astrin

Residence Life Graduate Assistant and second-year Master of Business Administration student

Hometown: Long Island, NY

Campus Role: Oversees the RA staff that resides in University Towers and helps RAs  with event planning, any issues that arise, and also serves on the Student Affairs on-call rotation.

What do you like best about working at Wilkes?

Osborn: I definitely like the friendly atmosphere, I feel like it’s easy to get to know everyone not only the staff and faculty but also the students on campus.

Astrin: Because it is a smaller, tight-knit community, it’s easier to get to know the residents in your hall especially with a position like ours where we’re that much more removed from some of the traditional students, it still gives us the opportunity to interact with them on a regular basis because we live and work in the same place.

If you were to win a million dollars, what would you spend it on?

Osborn: I would pay off my student loans, I’d take a vacation and then I would use whatever money left over to put money down on a house.

Astrin: I would buy a zorb ball and go in it and roll down big hills and stuff.  I would also buy a house, pay off my student loans, and get Lasik surgery.

If you were to put something in a time capsule about yourself what would it be?

Osborn: I would put my Nikes that I just bought because the United States no longer makes them.  I would put it in my time capsule so I would have good shoes to run in 20 years down the road.  Also I would put in Twizzlers just in case they stop making them.

Astrin: I would put my skydiving video in there.  I went skydiving twice and it was the coolest thing I’ve ever done.  It was great time.

If there was a movie made about your life, what actor would you want to portray you?

Osborn: I would want Vince Vaughn’s personality in Kate Hudson’s body.

Astrin: I would want Michael Scott’s character from the office.  Not Steve Carell as a person, but Michael Scott’s actual character.

If you could have any super power what would it be?

Jaimie: Definitely teleportation.

Justin: I would say, just to be able to fly on a whim like Superman.

What is your favorite restaurant?

Osborn: Carmines and the Melting Pot.  They’re pretty tied for me right now.

Astrin: I’ve been a recent regular at Frank’s Pizza on Main Street.  It’s awesome.

Where is the most interesting place you’ve ever been to?

Osborn: Capri, Italy.  I studied abroad there for a semester.

Astrin: The Seven Tubs up near Bear Creek.  It was interesting because being in a city like Wilkes-Barre and having that only 10 minutes away, it is nice to have a cool get away like right next door.  I don’t get out much (laughs).

What is your most unique talent?

Osborn: I can French braid my hair upside-down.

Astrin: My ability to draw out what I’m thinking in picture form.

What is your favorite time of year (season)?

Osborn: Summer because it’s my birthday season.  There’s wedding seasons, like I have a birthday season.

Astrin: I would say spring because my birthday is in the spring, and I like the renewal that the season brings.

What would you do if you had a time machine?

Osborn: I would go back to the like the 1920’s.  I feel like there are a lot of things I could make happen.  I could make my name in history, especially as a woman.

Astrin: I would go back to the 1600’s or 1700’s because it would be interesting to see how people interacted with each other then we do today.

What is some advice you have for students living on campus?

Osborn: I would say to definitely get involved on campus. I think the more involved you are, the more fun you’ll actually have and get to know different people from different majors, grade levels from freshman to senior.

Astrin: Your campus experience is like a cocoon where you’re inside this place where you can grow and mature and and evolve as a person and you eventually graduate and appreciate the experiences that you had, not only you were a student at Wilkes, but the experiences you had living on campus.