The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

American Horror story is a TV must see, FX creates another unique series

Warning: This article may contain spoilers

What’s scarier than visiting a haunted house at Halloween?  Try living in one.  This is the premise of “American Horror Story,” FX’s hot new show.  Created by the same men behind the critically acclaimed “Nip-Tuck” and “Glee,” “American Horror Story,” this show has captivated an audience with an honest respect for being frightened on a weekly basis.

The series centers on Ben Harmon (played by Dylan McDermott), his wife Vivien (played by Connie Britton) and their daughter Violet (played by Taissa Farmiga).  In the first couple of minutes of the first episode it is 1963.  The viewer meets two destructive red-headed twin boys who decide to wreak havoc on a broken-down home.  They soon meet their fate when they sneak down into the basement where someone or something kills them instantly.

Flash forward to present-day, and it’s revealed that characters Ben and Vivien Harmon are having marital problems that included an affair on his part and a miscarriage on hers.  Thinking that moving from Boston to sunny California is a way to start over – the family finds and purchases a beautiful Victorian styled house at a slightly decent price on account of the deaths of the previous owner.

Here are five reasons to tune in:

1.)    There’s nothing like this on television

One has to applaud FX for once again creating a show with such a unique and eerie atmosphere.  Not only will this show keep the viewer on the edge of their seat, but it also provides at least one frightening scene each episode that most movies these days can’t even accomplish in their allotted time frame.

2.)    Tate, the patient

In an attempt to be closer to his family, Ben tries to open a practice of his own.  As a psychiatrist, his patients are frightening and almost every single one is dangerous to either themselves or others.  The first episode reveals Tate, a youth with a dangerous and destructive attitude toward life.  Ben can’t seem to track down any information about him, but has anyone noticed that he is never seen outside of the house and is constantly appearing and disappearing – especially when he interacts with Violet?

3.)    Moira, the maid

Ben sees her as a young vixen in a slinky maid costume and Vivien sees her as an old and humble maid.  Why?  The viewer isn’t quite sure but Moira (Alexandra Breckinridge) has a familiar uneasy relationship with Constance, the noisy neighbor. It is revealed in the third episode that men see Moira as what they want to see (apparently a beautiful ginger dressed up in a promiscuous Halloween ensemble) and women can see the good in her heart, so she appears as a gentle old woman.

4.)    Dennis O’Hare and Jessica Lange

Dennis O’Hare plays Larry Harvey, an ex-convict that killed his wife and daughters while living in the Harmon’s house.  He is one of the few characters that are seen outside the house; however, it is not clear if he is alive or dead or if he honestly means well by his constant threats to Ben to leave the house because it’s evil.  Additionally, Jessica Lange plays Constance, one of the most interesting characters of the series.  She is a wacky southern Belle with a young daughter who has an unhealthy obsession with the house.  Constance is both friendly and shrill with the Harmons but it’s evident that she is carrying around remorse and regret and it’s reflected on how she interacts with every single character.

5.)    The creature in the basement and the rubber dude

The creature in the basement was only seen a few times, but it definitely isn’t going anywhere anytime soon.  Does anyone else think it’s strange that only Viola and Tate have had contact with this thing?  What about all the dead baby fetuses and body parts in the jars in the basement?

The rubber suit that Ben finds in the attic and throws in the trash can, ends up on someone that’s not Ben.  Who is the rubber dude that seduced Vivian?  She finds herself pregnant immediately the next day.  She assumes its Bens, and why wouldn’t she?

“American Horror Story” is as interesting as its title.  A combination of old Hitchcock film and a risqué Steven King novel, it provides a gripping and ultra-erotic storyline, a remarkable cast, and is easily the most provocative and captivating show on cable TV.  Tune in on Wednesday at 10 p.m. on FX to see the special Halloween episode.  Try not to watch it alone or in a basement.

5/5 stars