AOTW: Micaela Oliverio, senior soccer player

Why Micaela Oliverio was selected: Oliverio scored the lone goal in a 1-0 win over William Patterson on Sept. 13. Her team continues to roll as they approach MAC Freedom play.

Micaela Oliverio Senior Soccer Player

Name: Micaela Oliverio

Year: Senior

Major: Communication Studies and Musical Theatre

Hometown: Carlisle, Pa.

High School: Trinity HS

Position: Attacking Center Midfielder

Driving force for your decision to come to Wilkes?

I’d never heard about Wilkes until Coach Sumoski contacted me. I came for an overnight and loved the team so I decided to come here because Wilkes had my majors and I wanted to play. Best of both worlds, I guess.

Post graduation plans in terms of a career?

I’m not really sure yet. I have a couple auditions coming up so hopefully I book a job. If not, I’ll move to New York City and keep auditioning until I find something, or maybe go to graduate school. Right now it’s a waiting game.

Favorite building on campus?

Definitely the new Karambelas Media and Communication Center!

How many jolly ranchers do you think you can lift at one time?

I’m not positive how many I can lift but I think I can fit about 12 in my mouth.

What came first, the chicken or the egg?

Two chickens.

Hopes for this season as a Colonel?

To win the MAC for sure! We are so close every year but I feel like this is the year for WWS.

When/Why did you first begin playing?

I was probably three or four years old and would hang at my older sister’s soccer practices. I wish someone would have told me how much running there actually is in soccer because I really hate running. But then again, I’m glad they didn’t because I love the sport so much and I’m really sad it’s my last year playing.

If you had to choose one thing about your program that you could improve, what would it be?

Nothing! I love everything about it.

Other interests or hobbies off of the field?

Riding my electric scooter, singing, eating, finger dabbing, playing with puppies, playing practical jokes on people, and watching The Office and Parks and Recreation.

Most influential person in your life? Michael Klump.

A quote you live your life by?

“I stand behind my decision to avoid salad and other disgusting things.” –Leslie Knope

What does “Be Colonel” mean to you?

Representing myself and the school in a respected manner. I want to be someone that other people can look up to.

If you could have dinner with a famous person from the past, who would it be?

Amy Poehler or Tina Fey….I can’t decide because they’re both brilliant.

Coke or Pepsi?


Favorite meal to eat on campus? Starbucks.

Favorite professor?

Señor Garcia.

Anyone to give a shout-out too?

All my bbys on the soccer team.