The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

AOTW: Amanda Thompson


The women of Wilkes’ Field Hockey team would like to welcome freshman defensive player Amanda Thompson to the team. Thompson is from Tannersville, Pa and graduated from Pocono Mountain East High School. This is her 7th year playing field hockey. Her major is psychology and she also minors in neuroscience.

Q: Why did you choose Wilkes? What brought you this school?

A: I chose Wilkes because I fell in love with the campus and everyone had positive things to say about the school.

Q: How is it learning to balance school with field hockey?

A: It honestly wasn’t that hard to balance school and field hockey. The biggest struggle would be getting work done when I’m physically tired.

Q: What is your favorite thing about being on your new team?

A: My favorite thing about being on the Wilkes team is that it is a new beginning and a chance to become a better player. Everyone on the team was very welcoming and we all love the game.

Q: What is your main goal to accomplish this year for field hockey here at Wilkes?

A: My goal for this season is to become an all-around better and stronger player.

Q: What is a memory you will never forget while in a game?

A: Memory- scoring a goal as a defender in high school

Q: What are some are you favorite things to eat and drink before and after a game or practice?

A: My favorite things to eat before a game or practice would have to be chocolate chip granola bars or some grilled chicken 🙂

Q: What is your dream job and why?

A: Not too sure about what my dream job is. All I know is that I want to be in a profession involving neuroscience where I can better peoples’ lives.

Q: Do you look up to any professional athlete?

A: There isn’t really a professional athlete that I look up to

Q: What is your biggest strength you’re added to the Wilkes field hockey team?

A: My biggest strength is probably the amount of heart I play with when I step on the field. I love playing more than anything!

Q: Why did you choice to major?

A: I chose to major in psychology and minor in neuroscience.

Q: Lastly, what is a major obstacle you had to overcome to reach you goal?

A: A major obstacle I had to overcome is learning the Wilkes style of playing on the turf. Coming from an all grass team has been a challenge, but hard work pays off!