The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

Meet Emily Ketterman

Being at a new college in a new town is hard for anyone, but also being a student athlete with one of the most hardest majors is such an amazing accomplishment for anyone. Wilkes is lucky enough to introduce freshman Emily Ketterman as their newest colonel athlete. Emily is from York, Pennsylvania, and went to West York High School where she excelled in lacrosse. She loves how intense the game can be, but what is amazing is how intense her schedule is and she still aces everything.


What is your most memorable moment while playing this sport?
My most memorable moment was when we won our first game. We didn’t get a team until my sophomore year of high school so most of us were still learning. Winning that first game was a sign of accomplishment for us.


Who is your biggest inspiration?

My biggest inspiration is both my parents and my sisters. They have always taught me to never give up and push through anything so they always helped me get through the tough practices and always came to every game.


How long have you been playing?
I have been playing since 7th grade.


Have you ever received any awards? What are they?
Yes, I received an award for being the best teammate and I also was captain both my senior year.


Are you superstitious when you’re in game mode?
Yes, I always had to warm up with my headphones in to play good because it always put me in my own little world and got me in game mode.


What do you eat/drink before a game?
I eat usually just a granola bar or drink some water or Gatorade.


How do you like Wilkes? What’s your favorite part of being here?
I love Wilkes. I love being with all my friends all the time, the nursing program is awesome as well as being apart of the lacrosse team.


How is it being a new student in a new school and dealing with playing a sport?
It was hard at first because I was very nervous but once the team welcomed me as much as they did I felt like I belonged here.


What is your favorite sports icon?
My favorite sports icon is Peyton Manning. I look up to him because he is such a great athlete.


What is your biggest goal in life?
My biggest goal in life is to become a nurse in the NICU and to also be a lacrosse coach for younger children.


How do you like the people you met on your team? Are you close with them?
The people on my lacrosse team are awesome. They made me feel like I was apart of a family and they were so welcoming.


Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?
I see myself working in a hospital helping to save lives in the next fiveyears.


What do you miss about home the most?
I miss my family more than anything. I lived within five minutes of all my family members so I miss being able to just go spend time with them all the time


What’s your major and what are you looking to do with it?
My major is nursing and I plan on working in the NICU with the babies.


What are some of your lucky charms?
My one good luck charm is the necklace that my dad got me one year for Christmas.