The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

Amanda Rossi Athlete of the Week

Amanda Rossi is a pharmacy major in her junior year.  While attending Parkland High School, Rossi was the recipient of the Jean German award for enthusiasm, sportsmanship and courage throughout the season.  She also competed in states her junior year of high school and won the Lehigh Valley Conference (LVCs) and won MACs in the 6th singles bracket this past fall.

How old were you when you first started playing tennis? I got my first racquet when I was about 8 but I choose to play soccer instead.  I didn’t start taking tennis seriously until around 7th grade.

How is tennis in college different from when you played in high school? For the most part, the girls in college are more consistent than the girls I played in high school.

What makes you give it your all from week to week? I have a great team and great coaches who always push me to be my best.  I would never want to let any of them down.

What is one moment you’ll never forget on the court? I will never forget winning MACs this past fall.  It was the first time I made it all the way to the finals and finally winning was such a great feeling.

Describe your pre-match ritual. I always listen to music before matches.  It keeps me focused and calm.

What are you better at, forehand or backhand, accuracy or power? My backhand is better than my forehand and my game is more about accuracy than power.

What made you first start playing? Both of my parents play, so they got me my first racquet for Christmas when I was about 8. My dad has been my tennis coach since I started playing.

What made you decide your major? My favorite subject in high school was chemistry and I knew I wanted to do something involving health care.  However, I’m pretty freaked out by blood so I knew I couldn’t be a doctor, so I did some research and decided I wanted to be a pharmacist.

What do you plan to do with your career one day? I would love to be a veterinary pharmacist.  I love animals so it would be the perfect job for me.

How do you balance school work and athletics? I actually find that during the season I don’t procrastinate as much as in the off-season because I know I have to manage my time.  Also my coach is very flexible if I need to take a day off of practice every once in a while to study for a big test.

Preferable racket brand? I just got a Wilson for my birthday and I am in love with it.

What is your favorite feeling when you step on the court? When I step on the court I feel as if nothing else matters, all the stress of school and everything else takes a back seat.

Who is your favorite pro tennis player? Novak Djokovic is my favorite male tennis player and Maria Sharapova is definitely my favorite female.  She’s been my idol since I was little.

About the Contributor
Frank Passalacqua
Frank Passalacqua, Opinion Editor
In his third year on The Beacon, Frank switches it up after the previous two years as Sports Editor. Now the Opinion Editor, Frank uses his journalism and public relations track to the newspaper staff. Frank is a senior communication studies major with a minor in art, and is involved in many other co-curriculars on campus. Out of the classroom, Frank owns a YouTube channel “randomfrankp” that provides user created video content for over 3 million viewers and his near 15,000 subscribers.