The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

Getting to know…Alex George

Meet Alex George, sophomore business administration major of the football team. The sophomore quarterback is leading a potent rushing attack that has put up back-to-back 300 yard performances. George who has been named the MAC offense player of the week for his 5 td performance against Widenor also considers himself a quiet humble leader, but has no problem speaking up when he needs to.

Age:  19
Major: Business Administration
Hometown: York, PA.  It’s about two hours away. It’s just below Harrisburg
Wasn’t LeSean McCoy from the 717 too? He went to Bishop McDevitt. Yeah Mechanicsburg is pretty close. Tate [Moore-Jacobs] is from that area too.
Is there anyone professional or college player that you like to compare your game play to? I think my favorite QB is Andrew  Luck. His mental standpoint and preparation is the most similar. I run it more than him though. I definitely look at him the most.
How were you able to have so much success against Widenor and FDU with over 500 yards total offense each game? Our wide receivers downfield blocking was phenomenal. I think it carried over to not only me, but also to [Zach] Tivald and Auxence [Wogou]. Because we were able to get a Pass protection was awesome. It was a coming together as a group.
How important was it to establish a good run game? We thought that we could run the ball very well. Plus I mean over the last two weeks, we’ve been running the ball more than passing even though you didn’t see it in the stats. A lot of teams come into trying to shut down [Todd] Eagles. We really wanted to establish the run early and use that to set up the pass.
Do you want to give a shout out to your o-line? As a group they all did phenomenal. Obviously we have [Ben] Webb as the center. He’s like a rock; you know what you’re going to get out of him every week. Our guards [Jake] Jardel, Simon [Tkach], and [Brendon] Myer. We have a solid group on the inside we have [Joe] Buffa in there too. On the outside tackles we have [Anthony] Swain, [Christopher] Grube and [Joshua] Haag. We have five starting linemen, but we have so much depth we can switch anyone in.
It seems like you and Todd Eagles have been on the same page all year. How have you guys worked to get that chemistry down? Through camp and spring ball, we just worked out the timing. It’s easy to time with him as far as I can throw the ball he can run up to it. His speed is phenomenal.  He’ll go get it if it’s up there. If anything we have more trust now. If I throw it he’ll go get it. I think we have it down. He helps my completion percentage. Even if I miss a little bit or if my accuracy is not there, he’s always going to get to the ball.
I don’t want to jinx you, but I’ve noticed you have thrown 88 passes without an interception. How were you able to have so much success so far? I mean just go thru the reads that’s just how the offense is set up. When I talked to coach Shep and Tivald it was our goal to complete more than 60 percent of our passes and we don’t want to turn the ball over. It’s all set up to succeed. I don’t want to make it sound easy, but that’s the way our offense is set up. You should complete a lot of pass and not a lot of picks.
You and Tate Moore-Jacobs were both named offensive and defensive players of the week respectively for the 2nd time. What’s it feel like to receive that honor again? Whenever you get players from your team in recognition, I think it definitely brings attention to the program. I think it’s funny too because we were roommates last year, and we live together now.
What’s a bigger honor, being named the MAC Offensive Player of the Week, or Beacon Student of the week? (laughs) Probably the Beacon. I mean a lot of students won’t know the MAC other than the team. So I guess a lot more people will see the paper and website.
I’ve noticed that you like to post Bible readings on your Twitter. How important is your faith to you? It’s something very important to me. I mean I go to church every Sunday. I try to bring it into my football as well.
Do you guys lead in team prayer? We don’t do one, but I’m really superstitious and like to do it before games myself. When Coach Shep comes in and tells us we have two minutes before the game, I’ll usually get one in then.
Do you have any other pregame rituals? Definitely, I have a lot of superstitions. I have a plain black T-shirt that I wear underneath my sweatshirt. Same socks, same tape job, eye black. Game days, I like to get into a groove and keep everything exactly the same at the same times every week.
What was it like leading the team as a freshman last year and as sophomore now? How were you able to win the respect of the team especially the older guys? Well I mean you just have to earn their respect. I didn’t go in there as a freshman demanding respect. I went in there as a quiet leader because I knew there was a lot more people who did a lot more than I did before I got there. Guys like Nielson and Gerhart lead the team last year and I learn a lot from them.
There’s time as a quarterback where you need to step up into the offense line. I would never call out the offense line but if I need to bring them back, they always listen.
So you and Tivald both rushed for 100 yards against Widenor. What’s it like having that dual threat at any given snap? Most of our run plays are options so I could either take it myself or dish it off to Tivald. It’s huge because it keeps defenses on the edge. A team will come in with a game plan to take the ball out of our lead back, but then we also have Aux, and I could even run the ball too. It’s hard to take away just one of those guys when we have other options too.
Do you play any other position other than QB? If they every needed anything else, like punt return kick return blocking as a freshman. I’m willing to do anything I need to win.
Is there any background to why you wear the #14? No, I wanted ten actually but obviously Eagles had it. I always wore ten since I graduated in 2010, so now I wear fourteen since I’m going to graduate in 2014. I’m going to stick with that.
What’s your 40 time? It’s slow. (laughs) It’s a like a 4.8. A lot of guys get on my case because I’m slow compared to everybody else. I run straight. Sometimes my vision isn’t that great, but I pride myself on being able to run hard. Every time I get the ball I know I’m not going to be pulling away from anyone, but it’s just that I try make it where more than one person needs to tackle me.
What was your biggest run this year? Widenor, it was fourth and four. I ran for five. I think that was the biggest run so far.
Who is the fastest player on the team? Tivald.
What about Eagles? He’s right up there. It would be close. I think in it would be a really close race, but Tivald might edge him out.
Who’s the slowest then? Definitely me. (laughs) I mean some of the backs are faster than me. I hate to admit it. I think by far.
Slower than offensive lineman? I mean I’m faster than offensive linemen but even Dan Curry our tight end he could probably beat me in a race. (laughs)
Who’s the strongest? We have so many guys out there. I mean I’ve seen Webb put up some outstanding lifts. It’s gotta be either offensive or defense line. I think Webb has the best bench, but [Harry] Reese is up there. Everyone has their own lift. I think Josh Hag is up there for hang cleans, but other people are up there for squats.
Who do you think tackles the hardest? It’s probably got to be Chrismer. I’ve seen Joe make some big tackles.
What about Tate? He makes every tackle. It’s like the perfect form tackle every time.
Who’s the least likely to show up on time? We have a huge punishment for showing up late. Everyone is always on time, but Aux is usually the last one to come in.
Who’s the first? I always try to be. It’s usually one of the qbs. The quarterbacks as a group always try to be the first one in and last one out.
Who’s you NFL team? Redskins. If they start at 1:00 p.m.  I’ll be watching from 11:00 a.m. just getting ready.
Describe yourself in five words: Tough, smart, team-player, leader and quiet.
What is one thing about you that a lot of people don’t know? I wrestled in high school. I know Tate knows but
Is there any chance that you might try out for the Wilkes team? (laughs) No chance. I mean they have a really good team. They are doing a really good job over there.
What are you goals for the season? I have to complete more than 60% of my passes. I just want to win every game one at a time. I want to get that MAC conference championship ring.


About the Contributor
Phat Nguyen, News Editor
Phat Nguyen is the news editor and social media manager for the Wilkes Beacon. He began as a sports columnist and quickly worked his way to sports editor before switching to news. After working in the newspaper industry for only two years, Phat has been recognized by the Pennsylvania Newspaper Association with a first place finish for Layout and Design and second place for general news. The Asian American Journalists Association (AAJA) awarded the John Curley scholarship to Phat to attend the AAJA National Convention in Detroit, Michigan in August 2011. Phat serves as the president of the Wilkes Society of Professional Journalists which has now resurfaced under his leadership. The chapter is now sending six members to the SPJ Region 1 convention at Stony Brook University. As a student coordinator, he is currently planning the Tom Bigler Journalism conference, which promotes journalism to more than 400 high school students across Northeast Pennsylvania. After only two months as a sports intern at The Citizen’s Voice, Phat now works as a staff writer at the “Best Daily Newspaper” as voted by the Society of Professional Journalists. He hopes to use his background in science, pharmacy and chemistry to become a health/medical reporter. Phat is a member of the the Asian American Journalists Association, Society of Professional Journalists and Association of Health Care Journalists. Twitter: @PhatNguyen_ @Biglerconf @WilkesBeacon @BeaconNews @CVPhatNguyen