The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

The Return of the Red Raven: Part 13

“You saw what they looked like?!” Rick asked again. 

Cameron winced, startled by Rick’s sudden booming voice. “Yes, I did.” 

“Do they know that you saw them?” Rick asked. 

“No, I- I don’t think so,” Cameron replied. 

“What did they look like? Do we know them?” 

“I don’t think so. It was a young guy. Probably in his 20s or 30s. When he had me tied in that chair before he started his little call with you, he showed me his face on purpose,” Cameron explained. 

“Why would he do that?” 

“He said because he wants you to find him. He said he wanted the Red Raven himself to capture him.” 

“Of course,” Rick thought out loud. 

“Why’s that?” 

“Because that’s been his play this whole time. He wants the Red Raven to go after him for what he’s done not only to hurt those I love but to have me become the Red Raven in reality. He’s creating his own real life Red Raven fever dream,” Rick summarized. 

Cameron took in the information silently and changed the subject, “He said that he saw you in person not long ago, either.” 


“He said you saw him and that it was the most important day of his life. He saw you and said that if he could have, he would have told you everything but didn’t want to spoil his plans. What a sick puppy.” 

Rick fast traveled through his memories of the past couple days; he couldn’t point anyone out exactly who would feel like the type of person to go after him or let alone feel such an exciting feeling upon meeting him. Suddenly, like a train, the identity of the killer hit him. 

“Oh my God,” he mouthed. 

“You know who it is?” Cameron asked. 

“I need to go find Isabelle now,” Rick stated. 

Rick ran out of Cameron’s room to the emergency room parking lot. He had no idea where Officer Nathan would be but he supposed the police station would be a good start. Then, his phone began to ring. Rick’s stomach sank to the floor, knowing exactly who it was. Despite his dread, he answered the phone. 

“Hello, Mr. Greenblatt. You’ve cracked the code, haven’t you?” the killer teased. 

“You’re that Nathan kid from the police station. I should’ve known since the moment you left the evidence room. You didn’t leave because of my argument with my daughter, you left to cover your tracks,” Rick assessed. 

“Very good, Mr. Greenblatt. I guess old dogs can learn new tricks. But, I have just one last thing to tell you before I’m done calling you forever.” 

“Just tell me,” Rick said. 

“I have Isabelle at the old canning warehouse across Miller Avenue and 68th Street. She’s alive for now and if you want to keep her alive I need you to follow my instructions perfectly. I want you to come down here promptly at 8:43 p.m. with your Red Raven costume on, and I want you to take me down like all of the other dastardly villains from the show. I want to be known as the final adversary the Red Raven has ever taken down. Please, do this one request for me, and I will stop all that I am doing and serve my time in prison. If you do not do what I say then your daughter, your husband and you will all die. I would also say everyone you have ever loved but you don’t have anyone else who loved you,” the killer instructed. 

Rick took no time to reply, “Fine. I’ll do as you say.” 

“Very good, Mr. Greenblatt. Time for justice to be served yet again by the Red Raven,” Nathan ended the call with that final statement. 

Rick turned his car around and took the route to his home. Once he entered his house, he noticed the silence. A silence he hasn’t known was there for many years. The roar of the crowd, the snaps from the paparazzi, the boiling of spaghetti noodles and the music from the television were all silenced. Rick walked into his closet and grabbed the infamous Red Raven costume. The red hat, coat, mask and gloves were all in pristine condition. They called out to him as he spread the attire out on his bed. 

“Was this right? Giving the killer what he wants?” He thought to himself. 

Then, he put the costume back in the closet and began waiting for the time. 

To be continued…