The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

Our Voice: The last month before finals is dreadful

With both spring and holiday break being long gone, all most students can think about is the end of the semester drawing near. And with the end of the semester, comes finals week.

Since we are now currently in the final weeks of the spring semester, it seems like everyone is out to get us, specifically our professors. With April being our last full month of school, it seems like students of all majors are overwhelmed with school work. When it comes to finishing up our homework, studying for our exams and trying to keep up with our overall personal lives, it is not a surprise that students are stressed.

While yes, we did get two breaks, it seems like there was hardly a break at all. With professors assigning work and exams for the Monday we came back, a number of students were forced to work over their holiday and spring breaks. While it is normal to expect some sort of assignment over break, most students would definitely prefer the opportunity to relax and spend time with their friends and family during their actual allotted time off.

While it is unfortunate that this is the case, it is better than piling all the work on the week after break ends.

Nonetheless, most students can agree that the entire month of April seems like it is never going to end. With summer break being so close, students may feel unmotivated to do any school work. And when they decide to do school work, it is often at the very last minute. This seems to be extremely common with college students all around the world, since burn out tends to happen during this point of the semester for a lot of them.

While it is easier said than done, students of all majors must try to make time for themselves, especially during finals season approaching.

Since students are so focused on work – or focused on procrastinating – students may forget to take care of their basic human needs. This can range from forgetting to eat three meals a day, forgetting to text parents every night or just basic hygiene.

But, it is easy to fall into the trap of non-stop studying, drinking energy drinks and quickly grabbing snacks to fuel yourself during all nighters. In order to assure that you get the best grades possible during finals week, we must try to get a good night’s sleep, eat properly and to take breaks when needed.

Finals season is often described as “the last round in Mario Kart,” and that honestly seems like a truthful statement. From studying like there’s no tomorrow, typing as many pages as your hands will allow for essays, and memorizing terms on a Quizlet, it really is one of the most stressful times of the year.

Despite all of this though, it really is worth it. Whether you are a senior or still have a few years left, you did it. You are one step closer to your degree and achieving the career you want to pursue. Hopefully one day, all of those sleepless nights will be a memory that we can all look back on and laugh at in the future.

Until then, good luck and finish this semester strong.