The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

The Return of the Red Raven: Part 11

Isabelle called in for backup to find Vivian Keller before the mystery killer could. Officer Nathan found the location and pinned it to Isabelle’s phone through her messages. Isabelle drove furiously in her truck to Vivian’s location. Her knuckles were red and started to turn white on top of the steering wheel. She tried to focus on the rescue itself rather than her emotions because she was on her way to save the woman that helped ruin the relationship with her father.

Years ago, before Isabelle joined the police force, she was returning home from her first year in training. She knocked on the door and it was Vivian who answered in nothing but a see-through blue nightgown.
“I’m sorry, who are you?” Isabelle asked.

“Oh, your father never told you about me?” Vivian replied.

“I’m afraid not. Are you a friend of his?”

“Well, that’s complicated.”

Isabelle arched her eyebrow. “What does that mean?”

Then, Rick approached the door. “Viv, who is it?” he asked drunkenly.

Isabelle pushed Vivian to the side and confronted her father. She saw that he had baggy red eyes, disheveled hair and was wearing only boxer briefs and a tank top.

“When were you going to tell me about this?” Isabelle demanded.

“I was… well, I was going to tell you.. sometime,” Rick mumbled.

Isabelle frowned, “Seriously? You’re cheating on dad with some woman and you were just going to never speak about it?”

“She’s not just some woman okay? Vivian Keller is a bombshell and she and I are really, really close,” Rick said.

“I can’t believe you. Did you even have anything planned for me or was your late night ritual more important?”

“Izzy, sweetie, don’t get mad at me, but I forgot you were even coming home.”
Isabelle was speechless. Meanwhile, Vivian was walking back and forth in the bedroom, putting her clothes back on.

“Rick, I’m leaving. Don’t call me back, I don’t want to do this anymore,” she announced. Soon, she finished dressing herself and left Isabelle and Rick in a standoff.

Isabelle fought back tears. “You forgot?”

Rick raised his hands in surrender, “Look, I know that sounds bad. Now that you’re here though, we can go out for dinner and it’ll be my treat. If you really want to know about Vivian, I’ll tell you the whole thing-” Isabelle cut him off by running into the bedroom.

She saw on the TV an episode of the Red Raven playing quietly and clothes sprawled out on the floor. She shook her head.

“How it happened is that she called me to tell me that she wanted to see me again and she made the move on me, okay? I didn’t want to do it. She forced me into it. Then, I told her how much I loved her and how I felt about her when we filmed the show. I promise, Izzy, it’s nothing,” Rick tried to defend himself again.

“Not only did you just contradict yourself but you betrayed my trust. It hurts, but I can forgive you for forgetting about me coming home, but I can’t forgive this. Not only did you hurt me, but you hurt dad.”
Rick began reaching his arms out to her.

“Izzy, please-”

Isabelle interrupted, “Don’t you dare. If you’re not telling dad, then I’ll tell him.”

“Izzy, he can’t know about this, nobody can. My reputation will be ruined! You know what the tabloids will say about this?!”

“You care more about what the press will say about your affair than your own husband? Wake up, dad. You’re not the Red Raven anymore, you’re not the A-list actor you used to be anymore, you’re just Rick Greenblatt, an old, washed-up man who, apparently, wants to return to his youth so bad that he’ll ruin his marriage.”

“That’s not fair,” Rick protested.

“You want fair? Fine, you know what’s fair? Me leaving right now and telling dad about all of this because that’ll be fair for all of us,” Isabelle said. She began to storm out until Rick grabbed her arm.

“Izzy, please, don’t be like this.”

Isabelle nudged his hand off of her, “Dad, you’re hurting yourself by doing this and I want you to seek help, but I can’t be a part of this. Goodbye.”

Then, she walked out.

To be continued…