The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

The Return of the Red Raven: Part 7

“You understand me, Mr. Greenblatt. You agree with me that this bleak and cold world has tainted the world’s idea of what it means to be a hero. That’s why you played along so perfectly up to this point,” the mysterious caller elaborated.

“We’re not alike whatsoever, if that’s what you’re implying. You’re a crazy fanatic, and I’m just trying to get my life back together,” Rick protested.

“Sure, but we both know what will really bring yourself back up to your feet. We both know the solution you so desperately want. You want to wear the mask and cape again. You want that warm feeling of relevance again, you want it to tell you that you’re special,” the mystery caller theorized.

Rick didn’t answer immediately. He only fidgeted his phone briefly before he came up with a remark that would ignore his very correct theory.

“If you feel that the idea of superhero stories should be wholesome again then why kill? Why haven’t you made up your own story that takes it all back to the basics?”

“I tried, but I was laughed at and shunned by everyone I know. More importantly, I do what I do now because I missed you, the world misses you,” the mystery caller said.

Rick’s tone broke as he said, “The world doesn’t miss me.”

“Oh, sure, they do! Why do you think they keep rebooting and remaking every franchise ever made?! They miss the things that shaped their whole childhood, their whole generation, they want that old feeling of justice and hope that you gave them!” the mystery caller explained.

Suddenly, Cameron’s head began to slowly move as he tried to say something. His voice was muffled and his words were indecipherable from the duct tape in his mouth. Rick noticed and was about to call out to him until the killer noticed Cameron waking up. He whacked him in the face with a small wooden alphabet block with the letter “B” on it.

Rick’s hands silenced the scream crawling out of his mouth, but he was still horrified by not only seeing his husband being brutalized by a crazed murderer, but from the sight of the alphabet block being used as a weapon. Cameron’s head fell back on the chair that he was tied to as the killer adjusted the fancy black glove they were wearing. A small splash of blood spilled onto the knuckles of their glove. They brushed it off against their black coat and looked dead-on at the camera.

“This is my only warning for you. Do not interfere with my work. What I am doing here is going to teach people a lesson, a very important one. The only time I’d ever want you involved is if you dress up as the Red Raven and take me to prison for what I’ve done. However, if you get involved in any other way or get your cop daughter involved in this, I will kill Cameron, Isabelle and everyone else you love. I’ve already made my way through most of the cast, so, I guess I’ve been doing a good job so far!”

The mystery killer laughed at their dark joke then stated, “I’m being honest when I say that I’m a big fan of yours, Mr. Greenblatt. It would be a shame if I were to kill you, but I will do what it takes to get what I want.”

Suddenly, the video ended, and Rick started to quickly type in 9-1-1 onto his phone but stopped midway when he remembered the mystery killer’s warning. If he were to get the police involved, they would kill everyone he loves and most likely him as well. He couldn’t bear to lose his loved ones, let alone being harmed.

He started to make his way to the front door to start a search for Cameron, but heard a knock against the basement door. Rick ran to the basement door and opened it with such aggression, the handle nearly broke. Cameron was bleeding all over the steps and still had the duct tape in his mouth. Rick ripped the tape off of his mouth and hugged Cameron’s body.

“Oh my God, Cameron,” he cried onto his shoulder.

“R-Rick,” Cameron mumbled. He could barely talk from the blood pouring from his mouth.

Rick carried his body to the couch and as he settled his body onto the cushions he realized something.

The killer was inside of their home.

To be continued…