Inevitables. There are certain things in life that will occur no matter what, and we call these things inevitable.
Few things are truly inevitable in life. We are also all very familiar with these things. Death and taxes are just examples of things we all as humans must go through without any exception, whether they are good or bad.
Within the last 10 years, however, we can add one more thing to this exclusive list. That would be Mariah Carey “defrosting” every year come November.
To explain before giving an opinion, Mariah Carey is one of the most successful pop stars from the 90s and 2000s, selling millions of records and having multiple records that have gone platinum. And out of those many songs she has made, only two have gone diamond.
One is her 1995 song “Daydream,” which is a bop if you never heard it. And the other is the topic of today, her 1994 song, “All I Want for Christmas is You.” The song is played every year once the calendar turns from Oct. 31 to Nov. 1. It is synonymous with the Christmas season as that shows in the charts, and the impact the song leaves.
Every year since 2019, the song has reached number one on the Billboard charts for all music and it has led to a term for this. “Defrosting” is what it is called now, to tell about how Mariah Carey is unfrozen every year to have this song be played over and over again.
It has gained a lot of traction over the last four years, with Carey not only topping the charts again despite not making a charting album since 2011, but also allowing her to also go on tour again. Her new tour will be the first since 2019 and has already sold well, with her adding three more shows to the now 16 show tour.
The defrosting of Mariah Carey is real, and even she knows it, having created online videos the last two years for Nov. 1 to mark the return of her dominance. With all of this information, the question to be raised is is defrosting overrated? In short, yes.
Now before throwing away the article and turning the page, just hold on. The song is amazing, fits the season well and is a culture marker for the holiday season. The reason to say yes is because of what this has done to Carey’s career.
Carey’s first album came out in 1990 and last came out in 2018. That is almost 30 years of music that she has made, and also, it’s 30 years of music that performs very well. Excluding her last three albums, every single one of her 12 studio albums have gone platinum, including two diamond albums. She is one of just 22 artists to ever have two or more diamond albums, putting her with names such as Garth Brooks, Led Zeppelin and Michael Jackson.
She has many songs off those albums that have charted even higher such as the aforementioned “Daydream,” “Someday,” “Touch My Body,” “Heartbreaker” and many, many more. And this is just her impact as a singer, not mentioning at all her ability as a producer and songwriter. She has also written hit songs for Faith Hill and Trey Lorenz, and she produces many of her own songs.
The defrosting memes are funny and great for this time of year. It’s funny to laugh at how we go from spooky Halloween music and joy to just spamming Carey’s song over and over again. This song has brought Carey a lot of success, but the career that came along with it is arguably more prolific. Next time someone plays the hit, remember that Mariah Carey just makes bangers, period.