The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

Campus Suggestions: you should be kind to others on campus

Hello everyone! Welcome back to another installment of “Campus Suggestions!” Today, I will be talking about all of the hate that has been circulating on campus recently.

I have seen this especially through the popular college app, YikYak, where people like to talk about campus happenings and also complain a lot. Some of the things that I have seen getting hated the most include: the Esports team, the freshmen and theater majors. Now, if you want my honest opinion, I do not believe that these things deserve to be hated on as much as they do.

For starters, I have heard that Esports has been getting quite the beating recently, with people saying things like “it isn’t a real sport,” or “they don’t do anything.” I believe it is actually the opposite. I feel this way because the people on Esports have actually been killing it recently. To my knowledge, they have been winning their matches more often than people originally thought.

Looking at their statistics, I have noticed that they are most successful when they are playing games like “Overwatch” and “Super Smash Bros.” While, admittedly, I do not know much about Esports and how winning and matches work, I can confidently say they have won more than some other sports teams (who will go unidentified). Therefore, we should be giving them more credit, especially because of the fact that they have won and have the opportunity to win more than some traditional sports teams.

The second thing that I have noticed recently is that people have been absolutely ruthless to the first-year students. Now, maybe this is just the E-Mentor in me coming out (again), but I feel like they do not deserve half of the negativity that they have been receiving recently.

In my experience with working with the freshmen, a lot of them are very kind and just nervous to be in a new place with new people. Also, to give them the benefit of the doubt, they were also experiencing COVID first hand, with it directly affecting them since their first year of high school.

Therefore, a lot of them may not be used to social cues that you would usually expect them to know. All of that being said, they are obviously going to be some not-so-good apples in the bunch, but we need to look at our freshmen in a better light.

Lastly, one of the things that I see people bashing rather consistently are theater majors. I have noticed that people like to call them “annoying” or “taking the easy way out.” However, this is also not the case. If you ask me, those who have decided to take the theater route during their college career are extremely courageous and are following their dreams.

Also, let’s get the elephant out of the room and say that they are also very talented. I have seen two separate musicals that the theater department has put on, and I was blown away by the talent and the production that came out of the shows.

Those in the theater department, both cast and behind the scenes, put their heart and soul into what they do, and they should be given more credit.

After all, you don’t see people bashing people who chose pharmacy or engineering as their majors, do you? Everyone is on their own path and we should treat everyone equally because we all want different things for ourselves.

At the end of the day, we are never going to be able to stop the negativity across campus; we all do it. Honestly, I have had my fair share of hating around campus, but we must give credit where credit is due, and hopefully I changed your mind.