The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

The Return of the Red Raven: Part 5

“Why don’t I stay with you?” Rick repeated the question.

Isabelle sighed and pressed her fingers against her temples. “Because there’s nothing for us to go off of here. The murderer hasn’t repeated the same crime which means there’s no pattern and also means that your theory is wrong. There’s no reason for you to be here,” Isabelle explained.

“But what if something happens and you need help?” Rick urged.

“The chances of that happening is minimal. Besides, I don’t need your help,” Isabelle replied, coldly.

Nathan scurried out of the room like a sneaky mouse and left Rick and Isabelle on their own. He didn’t want any part of this. Rick understood Isabelle’s refusal but couldn’t tolerate her cold shoulder any longer.

“What’s with you, Izzy? You haven’t seen me in years and this is how you treat me? This is just petty,” he scolded her.

Isabelle’s face lit up and a wave of anger crashed against her. “Petty?! You do not get to call me petty!” she yelled.

“What you did all those years ago was unforgivable and yet you think that I’ll just forgive you and welcome you back like nothing happened? You’re pathetic. You think just because you had more than the average fifteen minutes of fame that everyone will just kiss your ass, but I’m not like that anymore and neither is the world! You’re too damn old to be acting like this and too stupid to actually see it yourself which is why you’re coming up to me and calling me petty even though, deep down, you know I’m right!” she rebuked, tears running down her cheeks.

She wiped her eyes with her palms and began to walk out of the room.

“What are you doing?” Rick asked.

“Holding the door. This is the last of my patience for you. Get out, now.”

Rick opened his mouth to object but lowered himself back down where reality was. He took the VHS box and took the walk of shame out the door. Isabelle didn’t say a word to him as he walked up the corridor to the front area. She walked across from the VHS room to what he assumed to be her office door. She entered the room and slammed the door behind her. He lowered his head as he left the station.

The sun was buried under the darkness and tiny sparks of stars when Rick made it outside. He found his car parked out across the street and placed the heavy box of VHS tapes on the passenger’s seat. He slid the key in the slot which brought the car to life, but he couldn’t feel bothered to move. His hands rested on top of the steering wheel and he started to sob.

He knew that she was right about all of it. He knew that her anger was justified and his selfishness plagued their lives. He bashed his head against his resting hands, which landed on the car horn. The horn beeped twice and Rick perched his head back onto the seat. He didn’t know where to go from here, what to do or how to make amends, if he even could.

Suddenly, his phone buzzed against his thigh where his pants pocket was located. He quickly searched for the phone and pressed the green button before the ringtone ceased.

“Hello?” Rick answered, weakly.

“Hello, Mr. Greenblatt. I’m a big fan of yours. Such a fan in fact, that I met one of your co-stars from The Red Raven the other day. Teddy Flowers,” an indistinguishable, monotone voice answered.

Rick’s body warmed up with goosebumps rising on his arms and legs. “You’re the murderer,” Rick stated.

“Correct, Mr. Greenblatt. However, murderer is such a strong word. I’m just a big fan who likes to express themselves differently,” the voice responded with a darkly joyful tone.

Rick furrowed his eyebrows and gritted his teeth.

“You’re no fan in my book, alright? You listen to me, the people at the station and I are going to find you and you’re going to rot for what you did,” he said, raising his voice.

“Well, that meeting didn’t work out quite well, did it? Now, you listen to me, you drive back to your house and don’t hang up this phone or else your husband dies,” the voice demanded.

Rick hesitantly responded, “What?”

“Time is of the essence, Mr. Greenblatt,” the voice said.

To be continued…