The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

The Special Guest: an original story

In the back of a large black van, a green-skinned extraterrestrial being was sitting in handcuffs. The handcuffs, that were specially made for superbeings, covered the being’s hands completely in golden metal.

Ever since the alien was first noticed in a forest in the midwest, the alien has seen no rest from spectators. Soon, the FBI secured its location and took the being into their custody, bringing the alien to where they are now in the van. 

Finally, three heavy knocks banged against the door and a pair of strong arms opened the van’s back door. The muscular security guard took the alien by their metal handcuffs and led them into the dusky evening. The streets were packed with people gawking at the van. Police tape lined up the sidewalk to keep the spectators away from the being. When they saw the alien escorted out of the van, they all gazed in awe. The crowds observed the alien without blinking an eye, like people crowding a lion at a zoo.

The security guard guided the being into a large black building with a logo of a television station on the roof. The logo was multicolored and flashed its colors on and off as the guard and alien reached the lobby. Inside, a woman with glasses and an orange flannel shirt gasped when she saw the alien standing beside the guard. 

“Are they ready for him?” the guard asked. 

“Yeah, Scott’s ready to introduce them right now,” the woman said. “Are you sure that’s a ‘him?’” she added. 

The guard gave the alien a long glance and shrugged. “No clue,” he stated. 

The guard guided the alien over to the front desk of the lobby. He then opened a door and led the being to a small staircase. The staircase led them to the basement of the building where many doors lined up the hall. The alien could hear cheering from the room they were going to approach. 

The room was dark with the exception of a small bright circle that illuminated two chairs and a desk in the middle of the room. The guard pulled his arm in front of the alien to stop him from moving until he was introduced by the man wearing a black and white suit. 

“Now, I would like to introduce you all to a special guest! They crash landed here on Earth and were found in a forest in Michigan. Now, they’re here to make their first ever appearance to the public! Please kindly welcome our otherworldly special guest, Subject 1792!” Scott, the host said. 

The guard led the alien onto the small dark stage. The crowd froze into silence as they watched the alien enter the spotlight. The alien’s black eyes adjusted to the light as they observed the humans staring at them. The guard took a step back from the set and let Scott take control. The alien sat on the chair across from Scott. 

“So, is Subject 1792 your real name or just a nickname your mother gave you?” Scott asked. 

The crowd laughed at his joke while the alien did not. 

“My real name is M’Glrp and my mother is dead,” the alien answered honestly. 

The crowd was silenced once again, and the man in the suit blinked at M’Glrp awkwardly. 

“I’m sorry to hear that. To change the topic, why did you come here to Earth? Was it like a ‘Superman’ story or did you come here to kill us?” Scott asked. 

“Neither of those reasons. I simply came here to seek refuge. My home was being attacked by a mysterious race and I fled in one of the final escape pods left on my planet. It took me to Earth since it was one of the few habitable planets I could go to,” M’Glrp explained. 

“That alien’s a liar! That thing’s gonna take our jobs and plant eggs inside us!” a stout man shouted from the crowd. 

“I speak only the truth, sir. I come in peace and to find a new life,” M’Glrp responded. 

“Yeah, leave him alone!” a woman from the crowd shouted at the stout man. 

“You’re all just a bunch of snowflakes that’ll believe anything this alien says! The thing’s not human and I won’t allow it in this country!” the stout man yelled back. 

The crowd grew louder and angrier until a fight on the seats broke out between the woman and the stout man. 

The guard ran up to the crowd to stop the fight as Scott sat in stunned silence. M’Glrp got up from their seat and began to walk out of the stage, the sounds of human ignorance raging behind them.