The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

Campus Suggestions: Why you should attend campus events

Welcome back to “Campus Suggestions,” a column in which I tell you my thoughts and feelings about things on campus… and I try to convince you to feel the same way that I do.

Today, I will be discussing the reason why you (and your friends) should be going to school events and joining different clubs on campus. Now, this may just be the e-mentor in me coming out, but I truly think that there are many amazing organizations located right in the middle of campus and they are not getting the love that they deserve.

With that being said, I am determined to get everyone reading this article to join and or attend at least one different event held on campus this semester!

For starters, despite what some people say, sporting events on campus are fun and a great way to show school spirit. Ignore the fact that the football team has only won one game this season. The other fall sports teams are killing it when it comes to winning their games. That being said, attendance is still very low and we should be supporting our fellow classmates.

Up next, as cliché as this may sound, you have the potential to meet new people and also have the ability to create new opportunities for yourself every time you join a new club or wander into a school-held event.

Following that, even if you don’t want to join a club, chances are they are giving out free stuff at their events (shout out to Programming Board), and who doesn’t like free stuff? I know for myself, I have met so many amazing people from joining various clubs on campus, and chances are I wouldn’t have been able to have that chance if I didn’t step out of my comfort zone and join.

Another reason that I stand very firmly behind this is the fact that even if you hate the event or hate the club that you joined, you can always leave it and never turn back. After all, it is college and this is the perfect time in your life to experience new things and to learn and differentiate yourself from your old interests.

To help support my claim regarding how amazing all the different clubs on campus are, there are well over 50 clubs that you can choose from. Even I will admit, there may be too many clubs available on campus. This is because of the fact that I never even heard of some of them. For example, what is the fly fishing club? Well, now you can find out for yourself and witness whatever it is that they do outside of campus.

Our recent homecoming brought so many events to campus, including a pep rally, football game, dance and various giveaways. This was the perfect opportunity to show school spirit and support the teams and clubs that represent our school.

To make you feel less pressured and to feel comfortable about stepping out of your comfort zone, you can always reach out to friends or family and see if they will join you for a night out.

Besides that, not to mention the e-mentor program again (that you should all totally join by the way), but ask your mentor to join you if you’re a first-year student. Chances are your mentor would love to and would love helping you reach out to different things in our community.

While I understand that it’s hard to sometimes get into the school spirit due to the stress and weight of the classes, it is still important to try and think positively and make the most out of your college experience.