The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

The 101: April is Autism Awareness Month

 The puzzle piece is known to be the symbol for autism, and can be used to show recognition and acceptance for individuals who are affected by autism.
The puzzle piece is known to be the symbol for autism, and can be used to show recognition and acceptance for individuals who are affected by autism.

As we enter the month of April, we often think of things such as the season of spring, April Fool’s Day and sometimes holidays such as Easter.

Unfortunately, this month is also dedicated to something that is not nearly recognized enough. April is Autism Awareness Month.

I think it is safe to say that a majority of the people reading this didn’t even know that there was even a month dedicated to Autism, which is upsetting.

It’s a shame that we can recognize insignificant holidays, such as April Fool’s Day, often spending a decent amount of money to assist our celebrations.

With that being said, how can we justify not donating to organizations, such as the Autism Society of America?

People often use the excuse “Oh, times are hard and I’m a broke college student” to justify not donating money to organizations that fund individuals with disabilities.

It’s sad to think that some people don’t have money for charity but have money to celebrate or party.

According to, Autism Awareness Month has been celebrated since the 1970s.

The purpose of this month is to raise awareness of the disorder and to encourage other people to accept and respect the differences within these individuals.

The article also states that one in 150 people are diagnosed with autism.

If you think about it, that number isn’t small.

Chances are that you know someone personally, or know someone who is close to an individual with autism.

The part that is most inspiring about this is the fact that the month promotes accepting the differences within these individuals.

Unfortunately, the amount of bullying has increased over the last few years and it does not appear to be stopping anytime soon.

Often times we hear of people with disabilities, such as autism, being picked on because they are different.

This is so disheartening and unacceptable.

It seems to be forgotten that we are all different and that everyone has something special to offer.

I am a cheerleader and the gym that I cheer at had a special needs team.

Among some of these members are children with autism. I have seen these athletes perform just as well as other cheerleaders that do not have autism.

In addition to their athletic capabilities, they are also some of the nicest and accepting people I know.

If Autism Awareness Month was recognized on a broader spectrum, perhaps more people would be able to see this.

A disorder does not define a person, and autism is no exception.

The bottom line is, take some time this month to recognize and appreciate individuals with autism.

Even if it is just a few days this month, you still might be able to walk away knowing something that you didn’t know before.

Better yet, maybe you can donate a few dollars to the Autism Society of America instead of buying those extra party supplies that you do not need.

You never know, you may even make a new friend who can teach you something.

Chances are that if you do not know anyone with autism, one day you will.