The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

The 101: Senioritis

Every year, typically around the end of the spring semester, students tend to start losing their motivation to put in the extra time to study for an exam or to proof read their paper one last time.

If you are reading this, chances are you are one of these students.

I mean, come on, who could blame you?

You work hard all year, most of the time during cold and miserable weather, so it is hard to resist the temptation to stop working and go outside on a beautiful day.

You have already taken countless numbers of exams and written so many papers that you can’t even remember what you wrote about, so it’s easy to want to throw in the towel.

These situations can be classified into the ever-so-popular “diseases” known as “senioritis,” “junioritis” and the “sophomore slump.”

Even freshman experience their own category of “freshmanitis.”

No matter what year you are, everyone gets these feelings at some point, and they can be hard to get rid of.

It is almost as if once you become “lazy” you enjoy your time spent away from studying, so the last thing you want to do is get back on track again.

With these arguments being considered, it is probably in your, or any student’s, best interest to get out of the slump and finish the semester by performing to your best abilities.

After all, is it really worth lowering your GPA after putting in countless hours of work all semester?

Think about the dreaded bill that you will receive shortly.

There may be a lot less aprehension if you can tell yourself that the money was well spent due to the fact that you received a high GPA.

It really can’t be justified to spend thousands of dollars each year and not come out with the best experience possible.

There is also the situation that everyone wants to avoid, and prays to never see on their transcript: academic probation.

Who wants to have to end up working harder than they ever have, just to pull up their grade to receive the “minimum requirement for credit?”

In the long run, graduate schools and future employers would rather see consistant success.

You may find yourself in a situation where you are competing for a job position and an employer will compare college transcripts.

You don’t want to be kicking yourself in that moment because you should have studied harder a few semesters ago.

Overall, the obvious message here is to stop being lazy and to finish the semsester strong.

Don’t make excuses for slacking off and telling yourself “the tests got harder,” “that professor graded harder than normal,” or “I studied as much as I could for that exam.”

Did you really? Or did “senioritis” get the best of you?

If you let “senioritis” get the best of you, you will eventually look back on your college experience and wish that you would have done better. You are in control of your college experience and it is your job to make the best of it.

If you are convinced that you may be stuck in this slump, check out the “cheat sheet” on the next page for tips on how to “cure yourself” and get back on track to success.

After all, it is already the last full week of March and we are into the home stretch.