The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

The 101: Social Media Etiquette

Now that the school year is picking back up, signaling the end to syllabus week, and the biggest joy in life is back to regular production, The Beacon’s 101, it is time to give a crash course to what is about to become the biggest part of anyone’s study habits, social networking.

Thinking that, “Hey I already know how to social network, I’ve been on Facebook since it was Myspace, since it was Friendster, since it was AIM.”

That’s great but, there’s a huge chance that maybe there are still some growing pains, that just like a taller 14 year-old, because those pants on are from the adult section doesn’t mean anyone is going to give you a license.

So the easy thing to keep in mind on social networking sites is, am I annoying? This is basically a great jumping point for any decision on any site or pretty much anything in life. Just run through a couple scenarios, and see how easy this works out.

Should I post every time I acquire a new album? Probably not, not everyone cares that the J. Giels Band “Centerfold” Single was only 3 bucks at the Salvation Army, but hey if by some miracle you stumbled across a first run of “Dark Side of the Moon” in Mint condition, fire away with that mouse because that probably cost a ton of money and it’s good to let everyone know that you’ve got that money and have no better way to spend 2500 dollars.

I just got to the gym, should I check-in and let everyone know what the basic Monday Routine I’m following is? Again, probably not, while health and fitness are important in a modern lifestyle. That amazing routine found on is there for everyone else to enjoy, and just because you’ve got a ton of extra down time in the gym now that everyone is on the same Monday Chest-Triceps-Biceps plan, don’t think it’s time to snap a selfie in that brand new under armor gear. Sure the time will come when you hit a goal and rejoice, but until then, putting up the bar isn’t time to click the mouse.

I’m on vacation, everyone should know this right? Wrong, the only thing I care less about than baby pictures are vacation pictures.

I am aware the food will be better somewhere else, but every meal, every room change, every day with your feet in the water will not help anyone share the experience.

Throw up one or four of these and you’re in the clear. The thing that you can get away with is the photo album because if I can just drop a big ‘like’ on the whole album. That’s great for me, and great for you, so everyone wins.

But, break the two-a-day rule with an album and you’re going into the “out of the newsfeed” file and never ever going to be seen again.

Hopefully with this knowledge in tact, the social networking experience is much better by this time next week for everyone involved, but it probably won’t be because I’m so #cursed.