The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

Wilkes Homecoming kicks-off week with a big confusion

This week in school spirit has been one of the most disappointing sequences of events I’ve witnessed in a while.
Usually the “kick-off” event for the weekend is the annual pep rally, which is designed to excite the masses for the upcoming football game and other homecoming events.
What had the potential of being a rousing and energetic night of traditional school spirit fun turned into a chaotic free-for-all over some basic blue T-shirts.
Following the brawl for shirts and rally towels were performances by the Wilkes University cheerleaders and the Wilkes Dance Team. Unannounced and without introduction, the teams took to the grass to do their routines. Neither team got the respect or attention that they deserved.
I can’t even tell you what happened with the homecoming court because I missed it entirely.
The court was announced quietly in front of few students, making it an incredibly awkward experience for everyone involved.
Supposedly the week for court endorsements, only half of the homecoming nominees campaigned while the other half remained almost silent. Was campaigning even allowed? Wasn’t everyone supposed to make a poster board? What were the rules? I honestly did not  even know what half of these people looked like and they are in my grade.
How are the underclassmen supposed to make an impartial vote if they know nothing about the nominees? Without any recognition, the court is reduced to yet another popularity contest- who is the most well known or who campaigns the hardest, instead of an accurate representation of student opinion.
The pep rally was a perfect opportunity for the court to be introduced. They could have each said a few words and at least showed their faces before receiving their sashes. Although it was a beautiful night for a pep rally, the event would have been better held in Martz gymnasium, where it is much easier to see and focus on one performance or introduction at a time.
The elements of the pep rally were definitely not terrible ones. The funnel cake, shirt giveaway, pies, airbrush tattoos, rally towels, and inflatables were all good ideas in theory. The execution, however, was a disaster. Too much going on without any sort of direction
The rally nearly ended a half hour after it had started. “That was the last pep rally of my school career… Its no wonder our school has no school spirit,” said Samantha Volk, a Wilkes senior. “The football team works hard year round and was not recognized at all.”
Traditionally, the senior football players are introduced with the senior cheerleaders. And what about the other sports?
There is not nearly enough “Colonel Pride” as there should be.
Efforts to coordinate our spirit will without a doubt increase attendance at sporting events, and that is exactly what this school needs.
This whole week has honestly been a huge confusion for the entire campus.
Although it is a shame that this week did not do much in terms of support for our court, performers, or “WUFgang,” I hope this is a learning experience for next year and the years to follow.
And please, save the T-shirts for the end.

About the Contributor
Carly Yamrus
Carly Yamrus, Opinion Editor
Carly is a senior Communications Studies major with concentrations in public relations and rhetoric and a minor in marketing. Carly has completed internships with Motor Media, a boutique branding and marketing company, and the City of Wilkes-Barre. This past summer, she worked for Verizon selling phone Internet and television services to businesses in North Jersey. Carly has had over 2 year experience writing and editing for The Beacon as the Opinion Editor, and has now stepped aside in her last semester to help others learn the position. She now serves as a Senior Editor. Carly also enjoys the arts, snowboarding and writing, and is looking forward to traveling and volunteering abroad in the future.