This year’s Super Bowl Sunday was full of excitement for everyone. Whether you were there for the love of football or just for wings and socializing, chances are you were in the presence of a television with the giant patriots chasing after pig’s skin. Those who aren’t big followers of huge American men in tights often still sit through the game to watch the commercials.
Always a big deal and costing millions of dollars in development and sponsorship, Super Bowl commercials are notorious. They’re generally full of laughs, and this year was no different. Elton John portrayed an eccentric king for Pepsi. Talking babies were talking. Dogs of all shapes and sizes dominated the screen.
First things first: Clint Eastwood is awesome. Second things second, Eastwood is also a registered republican and self-identified libertarian. So imagine his surprise when what was thought to be a patriotic American car commercial for Chrysler was interpreted to have pro-Obama message hidden within it.
This view was largely held by individuals and media alike who mainly identify with the Republican right. They saw the “halftime for America” message as “halftime for Obama.” This appears a case of people seeing what they want to see.
Personally, I was a little confused myself and calculated the years from 1776 till present—this July will mark 236 years—and multiplied that by two—472 years—and wondered how Eastwood and Chrysler had inferred the United States would be destroyed or taken over in exactly the year 2484. But I am a literal thinker, so to their credit, at least those who thought this was political were thinking outside of the box.
Because it wasn’t clear enough, Eastwood has been asked about and openly explained he was not trying to give off any kind of political message.
According to, in an interview with O’Reilly Factor producer Ron Mitchell, Eastwood said the as was pro-America, not pro-Obama.
His full explanation is, “I just want to say that the spin stops with you guys [the media], and there is no spin in that ad. On this I am certain. I am certainly not politically affiliated with Mr. Obama. It was meant to be a message about just about job growth and the spirit of America. I think all politicians will agree with it. I thought the spirit was okay. I am not supporting any politician at this time. Chrysler to their credit didn’t even have cars in the ad. Anything they gave me for it went for charity. If any Obama or any other politician wants to run with the spirit of that ad, go for it.”
That’s right, “If any Obama or any other politician” is in support of the American spirit, Eastwood is fine with it. The real issue here isn’t whether or not Eastwood is pro-Obama, it’s why the H-E-double hockey sticks are people immediately jumping to ulterior-motive-conclusions when someone is trying to send a message that America is awesome? Can’t we all just agree America is awesome because of the people and not because of politics?
Most of the commercials which play during the Super Bowl are silly and meant for light-hearted fun times. Which is totally fine. This commercial, on the other hand, had significance in a way that was smart and not just about sales. As Eastwood put it “Chrysler…didn’t even have cars in the ad.” Which isn’t literally true, but cars were not the feature focus of this ad. Instead, it showed protesters, firemen, a man who looks like the “Are you in good hands?” Allstate guy, and every day, average Americans looking dramatically into the camera.
The point is, the response to this ad has been upsetting. Instead of seeing it as something positive, people took it as manipulative. America, I’m not mad, I’m just disappointed.