The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

Tony G’s Spot: Eyes that lie

How do you define beautiful?

Many definitions come to my mind, but I do not consider flawless, perfect, or other similar words to be synonyms with beautiful.  Everyone sees beauty in their own way. Adopting the artificial and shallow projections proliferated by the media destroys the natural beauty a person is born with.

That being said, I recently read an article from CNET in which Gregg Homer claims he can change a person’s eye color. This surgery, which turns eye color from brown to blue, supposedly takes 20 seconds.

The likelihood for abuse of this surgery is incredible.  People will be lining up to change their eye color without a legitimate reason. Perhaps they are trying to get someone to notice them at the bar, or maybe they just had a rough breakup, and instead of a shopping spree or a bar crawl they decide to “go blue.”

On the surface, it’s about how you define yourself.

The true substance of a person dwells within, but you recognize a person based on their physical appearance.  Though this appearance may change over time, there is something special about a person’s eyes.  Many believe that the eyes are the windows into a person’s soul.  If you change your eyes you are hiding behind a curtain of insecurity.

When I made the switch to contacts I considered getting colored ones to make my eyes blue.  I decided against it, and I am very happy with the decision I made.  My eyes are naturally hazel and I consider them an important part of my identity.  I was once told by a friend that she loved my eyes. Were I wearing contacts or had surgery to change my eye color, I would have felt like I was deceiving her and that I was unworthy of her compliment.

Though this was just an interaction between friends, I imagine what would happen in a similar situation between lovers.  How would you feel if you had recieved the surgery and then later were given the same compliment from your significant other?  Would you be able to deal with knowing your loved one is in love with a lie?

The greatest downside of this surgery is that it is utterly irreversible.  The reason for this originates from the very method and theory behind the surgery.  Brown eyes apparently have a layer of blue underneath them.  Homer claims that the surgery will cause the layer of brown to dissipate over the course of two to three weeks and the patients eyes will eventually become blue.  The layer of brown cannot be replaced once it has been removed.

I am not suggesting that the government restrict who can receive this surgery; that would be an unprecedented restriction on personal freedom.  I simply ask that you have the common sense and self-respect to avoid this procedure.  There is no one else exactly like you on this planet.  Why would you want to try and make yourself like somebody else?