The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

Pintrest: Melted Crayon Art

Pintrest: Melted Crayon Art


1. Crayons (crayola)

2. Hairdryer

3. Glue

4. Board

Step 1: Glue Crayons to board

Step 2: Hit crayons with hairdryer on high heat until they begin to melt down the board.

Seems simple enough, right? I was wrong. First of all, the heat from the hair dryer made the glue holding the crayons to the board become loose, so I had some crayons fall right off the board. Then I realized that unless I held the hairdryer straight above each crayon, it would direct the wax into the next color stream.

I suppose this would be much easier if I weren’t a perfectionist, but I ended up with melted wax everywhere and eventually took the crayons and melted them completed for the kids I babysit to use.

Overall I give this a B+

About the Contributor
Anne Yoskoski
Anne Yoskoski, Managing Editor
Annie Yoskoski is a double major double minor at Wilkes University. Pursuing degrees in English literature and communication studies with concentrations in rhetoric and public relations along with a minor in history, Yoskoski will graduate in May 2014 and then head to law school and possibly gain a masters. Yoskoski loves to read, spend time with her dogs and watch amazing TV.