The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

The Graveyard Shtick: A grave approach to… The Governor

The Graveyard Shtick: A grave approach to... The Governor

The Graveyard Shtick is not only a clever play on words, but also a column on all things “The Walking Dead,” covering both the AMC television series and the comic book. This column will often have spoilers and theories about the current and future issues and episodes so take this as a formal warning, READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!

It’s been a few weeks since I broke down characters in comparison to their comic counterparts. But since The Governor has been introduced and has had a significant impact on the series recently, I think it’s time to trot that old workhorse back out again.

Starting with the bare basics, The Governor in both the comic and TV series typically goes by the nickname, “The Governor,” (obviously). In the TV series, though, it is ultimately revealed that his real name is Phillip.

Phillip is also believed to be his name in the comic series. However, those following the comic continuity would have to read the series’ spin-off novels to find out that The Governor’s true identity is actually Brian Blake. In the comic canon, Brian begins to masquerade as Phillip Blake to gain strength and distance himself from his weaker previous life.

In the continuity of the novels and comics, Phillip and Brian were brothers and spent some time surviving and scavenging house-to-house before stumbling upon Woodbury. Shortly before that, they were attacked by a group of druggie marauders and Phillip told Brian to watch his daughter, Penny, while he went and fought off the pack of bandits.

During the firefight one of the bandits shot Penny with a shotgun and killed the child, but because of, well, that whole pesky “zombie apocalypse” thing, Penny reanimated as a walker. Phillip never had the heart to put her down, so he kept her chained in the bed of their pick-up truck while they traveled.

Upon their arrival in Woodbury, the Blakes cleared themselves out an apartment and Phillip put Penny in a room, then decided he would have to feed her. So this is the point in time where Phillip Blake lost his damn mind and started killing people to feed Penny.

During one of his tracking and killing attempts, a friend who lived with the Blake brothers decided enough was enough and shot and killed Phillip. The friend also accidentally killed Phillip’s victim. Brian saw this whole situation go down and killed the friend and took some of the, ahem, lighter limbs back to the apartment to feed Penny.

After that, Brian killed to previous leader of Woodbury and then decided to go by the name Phillip because Phillip was always able to do the things Brian couldn’t.

But for the TV Governor, it doesn’t appear he would have gone down the same road because while he does have the zombified daughter, he also has a photograph of his wife and daughter, which one assumes would mean he was actually the corresponding husband/father, rather than someone masquerading as such.

Plus, the TV Governor doesn’t have such a creepy demeanor about him. He seems more like a caricature of an amateur politician than the creepy deranged sociopath that was the comic Governor.

So, while the characters are currently operating under the same name and in the same position, I doubt we will see many more similarities. I think the TV series will most likely play it safe and not have some of the more graphic things happen like in the comics.

I also think with Michonne leaving Woodbury, we may not actually get to see much conflict between her and The Governor. Then again, I could be very wrong about that because they could very likely try to capture or ambush Michonne.

In the best case scenario, Michonne makes her way to prison and that’s the way that the Woodbury-Prison Conflict will arise. However, I doubt that will happen any time soon because I expect the show to be relatively slower this week and focus more on Rick’s development as a character.

And by the way, it’s Lori on the phone.