The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

Unimportant Questions with Important People: Cortny Sasserson, Commuter Council president


What are the main goals of Commuter Council and Inter-Residence Hall Council?

Sasserson: Commuter Council represents the commuting student body on campus.  We throw small socials and we handle parking questions.  We’re kind of like the liaison between Public Safety and the Students.

Sharpless: IRHC represents the students who live in the residence halls, and similar to commuter council, we run some socials and programs, but we also do a lot of work with facilities and Sodexo in terms of food because the residents are eating in the cafeteria more than most of the other students.  So we handle issues regarding residence life.


What are your duties as presidents of these clubs?

Sasserson: We hold a meeting every week, but on top of that I sit in on various other committees with Bethany and other presidents of the tri-council and student government.  Along with student government we do traffic hearings, and we’re on disciplinary and student affairs committees.  It’s those administrative meetings on top of our personal club meetings.  We’re sort of part of like a go-to student panel, we’re the first to be contacted and it’s a whole group of us.

Sharpless: If things come up with general university concerns or issues, I will sit in on food committee on occasion or traffic.  If specific instances come up that involve our undergraduate students, we may be called in to assist.


What are some upcoming events/activities do you have planned for your clubs this semester?

Sasserson: We have our Valentine’s social, New York City bus trip, Mad Hatter Tea Party, and we’ll also be jumping on with other events that IRHC has.  Our clubs work together.

Sharpless: We have our Grammy Award watching party, a party for leap day, cake challenge, next great baker and study break.


What are some future goals for each of your clubs?

Sasserson: I’d like to see us continue to build attendance.  When I got this position we had about four people coming, and now we average to about 12-15.  I’d like to see commuters continue to stay involved with the club.  I’d like to see us gain a bigger presence on campus.  Also, looking at the parking policy and making it more readily available and easier to understand for students.

Sharpless: I’d like to see us continue to work with residence life and have a cohesive effort to have programming, especially on weekends when a lot of students are going home.


What are your hobbies outside of Wilkes?

Sasserson: Anything to do with art and painting.  I’m taking a ceramics class, so I spend a lot of my spare time in the studio.  I live off campus, so I also like spending time with my roommates.  I’m also very outdoor-sy so I like to hiking. I’m also a Volunteer Income Tax Assistant and I love to bake.

Sharpless: I like to bake and I enjoy being active.   I volunteer a lot, so when I’m home, I spend a lot of time doing community service activities.


What are you plans for after graduations, career-wise?

Sasserson: I’m going to be working as an executive team leader for Target so I’ll be moving to Boston and working in that district.  I would ideally like to work for a year and then get my Master of Business Administration.

Sharpless:  I still have a few years here as a pharmacy student, but after graduation, I’m looking to get a position in the military.


What is your favorite food?

Sasserson: Chocolate, that would be a given.

Sharpless: I really love breakfast foods like pancakes .  If I could I would eat breakfast food constantly, I don’t think I’ll ever get sick of it.


What is your favorite movie of all-time and why?

Sasserson: “You’ve Got Mail” because it has Tom Hanks in it and I love Tom Hanks.

Sharpless: Probably “Sweet Home Alabama.”  Maybe it’s not my favorite because it’s hard to choose, but I don’t get tired of watching it.


What is your favorite genre of music and artist?

Sasserson: Florence and the Machine lately.  I’m more toward alternative bands like Mumford and Sons and The Fray.

Sharpless:  My dream concert would have to be The Fray, Lifehouse and Sara Barrelles.


If you could go anywhere right now where would you go?

Sasserson: That’s easy; I would go to Boston early.

Sharpless: Somewhere sunny right now, nowhere specific, but I would appreciate a little sunshine