The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

That’s so Honors… the HPSC 2024 student elections

Morgan Steiner
The HPSC Executive Board

Most student organizations will hold their executive board elections in the Spring, but not the Honors Program Student Committee, or HPSC. Because members serve one year terms, January- December, elections will be taking place at the end of the month.

Certain roles will not have elections, due to the nature of the program. For example, the presidential role has been awarded to Nick Devitis, a junior psychology major, who last served as vice president of HPSC. Other positions saw only one candidate in the race. For example, the vice president for the 2024 executive board is P1 pharmacy student Kayla Burleson, the director of social events is Katie Ritsick, a junior nursing major, and the treasurer will be Syndey Farmer, who is also a junior majoring in nursing.

Several other roles will require an election, occurring at the end of November. Until then, students are able to campaign for their roles. One race is for the director of publicity, between sophomore biology major Zoe Morley, and first-year history major, Ozzie Priebe.

Morley explained she wants the role, “because I deeply believe in the impact that the Honors Program can have and I am passionate about fostering a supportive, academic community.”

Priebe, who has similar reasons for running, shared, “I want to get more involved with the Honors Program and utilize a skill set that I have that I don’t get to use often.”

When it comes to campaigning, students are welcome to hang posters in Honors spaces, like the Honors Office, lounge, and Residence Hall, Waller Hall.

Priebe has taken full advantage of this opportunity.

“Michael Santini, Daniel Yap and I are all running together and we made similar looking posters.”

Morley admitted she’d thought about campaigning.

“I am still unsure if I will campaign or not.”

Amanda Montgomery

Even if candidates choose not to campaign, voters still get the opportunity to get to know each candidate when they go to vote. When the voting form comes out at the end of the month, each student will have a small section dedicated to why Honors Program students should vote for them over their opponent.

Although these two candidates are opposing each other and there is no way of telling who will win, they are both excited about the future of HPSC.

Morley shared the reasons why she would love this role.

“It gives me the unique opportunity to connect with every member of the Honors Program.”

Priebe said, “…no matter who wins, the Honors Program will continue to thrive and be the best that it can be.”

Candidates are excited about the upcoming election, and you should be too. Honors students can vote for HPSC candidates in a special “Election Buzz”, coming at the end of November.