The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

SG notes: funds approved; Vagina Monologues, PBL/FBLA

On Wednesday Wilkes University’s Student Government held their weekly meeting.

Last week the Vagina monologues representative Jen Magnotta had requested $1,000 to allow up to 200 students free admission to the presentation of the Vagina Monologues. This motion was passed by Student Government and the money was allotted to The Vagina Monologues.

Another follow up on last week’s meeting, PBLA asked for $2,000 to fund 25 students to attend The State Leadership Conference in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. It was motioned and passed that Student Government will fund $85 dollars per person, for up to 25 members of PBLA to attend this conference.

Some new business that was proposed, the Adventures in Science Organization has requested $2,500 to fund their annual event. This event consist of usually about 200 fifth graders and 175 Wilkes University undergrad volunteers from various majors. The fifth graders are brought to campus free of charge for the school district, and gives these students the opportunity to have hands-on lab experience. This funding would cover lab supplies, t-shirts, and googles for the students. The event has continually grown to more fifth grader participants and the group is hoping to be able to expand to other school districts. Student Government will cast their final vote in next meeting.

There was a member of the month nomination and winner named in this week, the winner was Kara Serfass for her hard work this past semester.

The council reviewed the Treasurer’s report. The current budget is as follows: All college: $47,086.73, General Funds: $11,056.20, Conference: $5,000 and Spirit: $2,000, for a total of: $65,142.57.

About the Contributor
Taylor Ryan
Taylor Ryan, Sports Co-Editor
Taylor Ryan is a senior communication studies major with concentrations in strategic communications/public relations and broadcast production. She also has minors in marketing and women's and gender studies. Taylor serves as a Co-Sports Editor for The Beacon.