The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

The Manuscript Halloween Reading

On October 29th at 6:00 p.m. in the Kirby Salon, there will be a special reading of The Manuscript in honor of Halloween. While The Manuscript does public readings of the magazine, many of you may be asking, “What is The Manuscript?”

Em Leonick, a Junior English Major and the Layout and Copy Editor of The Manuscript, gave some information about what The Manuscript is.

The Manuscript is a literary and visual arts magazine. Anything that falls under those categories, such as photography, paintings, drawings, poetry, and short fiction, are all welcome. There is one issue of the magazine that comes out per year. Students do not have to be an English major or minor to take part in The Manuscript. Anyone can join.

The students who participate in The Manuscript are under the direction of two faculty advisors, Dr. Sean Kelly and Dr. Mischelle Anthony. Leonick said that, “faculty and alumni are able to submit pieces. They have not in the past couple years, but it is open to them.”

Leonick said that they do a reading once a month, but the Halloween reading is their “big dog” that has the greatest turnout. There will be candy, food and refreshments at the reading. Some people dress up for it, but it is not necessary. People get up and read poems or short stories, which do not have to be Halloween themed, but most, if not all, are. They try to go for something that “fits the vibe,” as Leonick put it.

The pieces that are read can be works by students, but they can also read something like an Edgar Allen Poe story or anything that seems to work with the theme. You do not have to be in The Manuscript to read or attend this event on the 29th. If you find something interesting you would like to read, you can do that. You can also just come to listen. Leonick stated that when it comes to the Halloween reading, “It’s a really cool environment. It’s not like any of the other readings we do. It’s an experience and I really do enjoy it.”

Leonick wants everyone to know that “we [The Manuscript members] are very open people. I know we seem a little intimidating because you kind of assume it’s just an English major thing, but everyone is welcome.”

Keep your eyes open for the other big reading in February. It is right around Valentine’s Day, but Leonick said it has more of an “anti-Valentine’s Day feeling” to it.

All students and faculty members are encouraged to come out, not only for this reading, but the readings every month, especially if you have an interest in The Manuscript.

About the Contributor
Jennifer Baron
Jennifer Baron, Copy Editor
I'm from the small town of Vandling, Pennsylvania and I attended Forest City Regional School District from Kindergarten to 12th grade. I graduated with roughly 60 kids which is why one of the main reasons I chose Wilkes as my college. Wilkes is small and has close-knit community, which I was used to. I am an English Major here at Wilkes and I am minoring in Secondary Education. I hope to be a high school English teacher. An interesting fact is that my dad is a graduate of Wilkes and he was an Editor for The Beacon. I love that I have the ability to follow in his footsteps and I am so excited to be one of the newest copy editors for The Beacon!