The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

SG Notes: club recognition, discussion; treasurers report

Wilkes University Student Government tackled a second week club recognition, and a first week club recognition for their meeting.

The newly formed guitar club went into its second week of club recognition status, with little in change from the previous week.

The club is the first of its kind on campus, created by two guitar players who did not find any clubs they enjoyed and noticed that there was no guitar club.

In addition to fund-raising, the guitar club plans on making guitar-grams, much like Wilkes University chorus does singing-grams for Valentines Day.

The guitar club also plans on having a concert at the end of the year. New techniques will be taught, and no prior experience is necessary, but members must supply their own guitar.

Guitar club plans with its funds to purchase a few inexpensive guitars for members to sign out and practice, much like students can do with the bicycles in the Henry Student Center. This rental, however, is planned for members of the club only.

Student Government was pleased with the idea and thus guitar club was granted club status with a vote of 38-0-4.

The Entrepreneurship Club sought club recognition this week for its week one of two. Its purpose is to prepare its members to become better business people and how to raise money for perspective businesses, such as venture capitalism.

It wants to be different from ENACTUS and help fund itself and its own members.

Reception was mixed; namely, Student Government did not want to fund a separate business. SG funds clubs, and they stated they were a business, not a club.

The vote takes place next meeting.

The treasurers report for Student Government is as follows: all college: $13,245.36, conference: $5,000, spirit: $505.39, general: $9,552.81, giving Student Government a total of: $28,303.56.

Student Government meets every Wednesday at 6 p.m. In the Miller Room inside the Henry Student Center.