The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

SG funds ‘Monologues,’ Winter Weekend

After light debate Wilkes University Student Government voted to allocate the necessary funds to the “Vagina Monologues” and the Winter Weekend event.

SG member Caitlyn Sofio spoke to allocate SG funds to pay for tickets for both days so Wilkes’ students may attend carte blanche. The request was for $1,000.

“Despite a snowstorm last year we had a really good turnout, and I think it would be nice if students could go for free,” Sofio said.

Last year, 177 tickets were sold; the snowstorm was the primary affect to the low numbers.

Caitlyn Sofio could not be happier when the vote were passed.

“I’m so very pleased because now some Wilkes students can actually get in for free,” Sofio said.

The funds allocated were for $1,000 to compensate for the $5 asking price for tickets. Now the first 200 Wilkes students can get in for free, provided they come equipped with their Wilkes ID.

The vote was 36-0-1.

The annual Winter Weekend is scheduled for Feb. 21-22.

Winter Weekend had its budget earmarked. The price was set at $3,998 for various items including: food, prizes, t-shirts, and other expenses including $300 set aside for any miscellaneous costs.

Student Government voted in favor of the budget allocating $4,000 to the Winter Weekend budget.

The budget passed 35-0-3.

Wilkes’ food service representatives from Sodexo joined the meeting to ask for the opinion of Student government about some potential changes to increase foot traffic and revenue at two university eateries.

SG members suggested promotions or other incentives to increase foot traffic at Gambini’s and Stark Cart, two lesser-known locations within University Center on Main and Stark Learning Center respectively.

Gambini’s typically sees residents of University Towers across the street, and those having classes inside UCOM.

Stark Cart sees people who have classes within SLC, oftentimes students grab a quick bite to eat before and after labs.

One popular suggestion was for Stark Cart not to accept just Flex Dollars.

Also, another student survey via Sodexo will be going around before Spring break for feedback purposes.

Dean of Students Mark Allan has proposed new student housing for the next year of schooling.

Barre Hall, vacant now for many years will open in the near future, as will Pearsall Hall, which previously was the nursing center at Wilkes.

A third building was also talked about, but details are unavailable at this time.

The budget for Student Government is as follows: All College: $24,244.11, Conference: $6,141.64, Spirit: $3,410, General: $22,509.08, giving SG a total of: $56,304.83.

Student Government meets at 6 p.m. every Wednesday in the Miller Room in Henry Student Center.