The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

SG Notes: Casino week under budget

The proposed budget for Student Government’s annual Casino Week was passed at the lowest amount in the past seven years.

Student Government Treasurer Anthony Fanucci proposed the Casino Night budget at the group’s Oct. 16 meeting.

Some prize items were eliminated to save money and other items were added at less expensive prices.

Items such as Coach purses and game system bundles were added at lower prices, which eliminated more than $1,000 from the overall budget. iPads, MacBooks, and gift cards are still among the prizes expected to be given away. The total cost was estimated at $11,339.

“This is lower than the past seven Casino Nights,” Fanucci said.

The board was also perplexed over the proposed budget for the Women of Engineering Conference in Baltimore, which is scheduled for Oct. 23-25.

The budget for the conference was initially set at $4,979, which would pay for lodging, food and the conference itself, with most of the budget being spent on lodging.

Six members of the WEC were slotted to attend the conference. Recording Secretary Kassi Bugg described the budget as “outrageous.”

After a brief discussion, President Ian Foley recommended a plan to “give the WEC a budget of $2,250 for the conference to pay for their lodging.” The motioned was passed 20-16-4.

Asian Cultural Society was officially recognized as a Wilkes club. The vote stood at 35-1-2.

“We are extremely thrilled to contribute Asian culture to Wilkes University,” accounting major Donachatch Kiangsiri said.

Loyhra Hong, a Thai festival paying respect to the river, is the club’s first event for the semester. It will be held on Nov. 17.

The presented budget report is as follows: All College: $7,844.11, Conference: $5,000 Spirit: $1,485 General Funds: $8,530.34. This brings the Student Government budget to a total of $22,859.45.

In committee reports, curriculum committee stated that a previously eliminated class, Public Administration, will be reinstated.

Student Government meets at 6 p.m. every Wednesday in the Miller Room in the Student Union Building.