The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

Popular WCLH DJ shot at downtown bar last week

There are few instances in life where death strikes with such cruel irony as it did on early Sunday morning on Oct. 13.

Michael Onley, more commonly known by his WCLH Moniker “DJ Mo,” was claimed as a victim in a drive-by shooting outside of The Outsiders bar on South Main St. around 12:15 a.m.

Onley was known for a few things; these included his love for music, his kind-hearted demeanor and his anti-violence advocacy. He was actively involved within the community, providing the music for multiple charitable causes and nightclubs on a regular basis.

Even his last night was spent at a charity event for the “A Miracle for Ava Foundation,” where he provided the music, created flyers and promoted the event. DJ Mo also promoted during the event during his regular timeslot on 90.7 WCLH.

DJ Mo was a constant presence on 90.7 WCLH every Tuesday from 4-8 p.m. for close to 15 years. Every Tuesday night and sometimes-late night Wednesday DJ Mo would take over the airwaves, playing his own mixes of popular songs within the hip-hop genre.

With such a constant presence at the station and his goal to constantly promote his show and the genre that he helped instill within the station, there has been a huge community outpour of support, condolences and remembrances for Onley and his family since the violent incident.

To add the tragic nature of the event is also the timing. The shooting occurred only a few short months after Onley’s own brother was also killed in South Carolina.

As an anti-violence activist, DJ Mo organized an awareness walk from Kirby Park to bring light to the Trayvon Martin case. On Friday Oct. 18, an anti-violence awareness walk was organized from Onley himself calling for the stop to violence.

Considering how the man lived his life, advocating for peace, change and the betterment of the community through his music, and the way in which he used his platform to express his message, this is truly a tragedy that will affect WCLH in the coming years.